1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade: Name Y

Note: This is a sub-section of 1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade
YOUNG, Charles Henry, Man. Dir. Hill & Boll (Sherborne), Ltd., Sher-borne. B. 20 January 1867, East Coker, Yeovil. Ed.: East Coker. Car.: in 188o apprntcd. with Hill & Boll, coachbuilders, Yeovil; in 1888 appt. Man. Sherborne branch; in 1904 took up motor body building and engineering with this firm; appt. Gen. Man. Yeovil, Sherborne & Shaftesbury in 1916, and in 1925 participated in the formation of Hill & Boll (Sherborne), Ltd., as Man. Dir. Md.: 3 children. Pr. A.: South Street, Sherborne, Dorset. Tel.: Sherborne 63.
YOUNG, George Macmillan, B.Sc., M.I.A.E., Dir. and London Man, Albion Motors, Ltd. B. Glasgow. Ed.: Glasgow High School; Glasgow University; apprntcd. as marine engineer; B.Sc., Glasgow University (engineering). Car.: in 1903 joined Albion Motors, Ltd. (then Albion Motor Car Co.), as designer; 1907 appointed Sales Man. for Scotland in 1910 appointed London Sales Man.; member of Council S.M.M. & T. Md.: 2 children. Int.: golf. Pr. A.: 17 Dunstan Road, Golders Green, London, N.W. Tel.: Speedwell 3122.
YOUNG, Harold, Man. Dir. H. Young (Motors), Ltd., Chester-le-Street, Co. Durham. B. 26 May 1889, Leeds. Ed.: Leeds Higher Grade School. Car.: from 1903 to 1911 with Yorks. Dyeware & Chemical Co.; then to 1915 in the coal and haulage business at Wallasey; war service 1915/1918 in France—Anti-Aircraft; 1919/1923 Man, of Chester-le-Street Branch of C. F. Rymer, Ltd.; 1923 formed company of H. Young (Motors) and appt. Man. Dir. Md.: 2 children. Int.: tennis, cinematography. Pr. A.: " Heathfield," Chester-le-Street. Tel.: Chester-le-Street 166.
YOUNG Provost John Thomson, J.P., Man. Dir. John T. Young, Ltd., The Motor House, Newport, Fife. B. 1874, Newport, Fife. Ed.: Newport High School. Car.: served time as blacksmith 1888/1893; started on own account in the cycle trade in 1893 and has been in the cycle and motor trade since; member of S.M.T.A. for over 3o years and on Council for over 25 years; 1 year Vice Pres. and 2 years Pres., 1928/29 and 1929/30. Watched with interest and participated in progress of motor trade since the beginning. Md.: 1 son, I daughter. Int.: billiards, golf, curling, motoring and local administration. Pr. A.: Lin-wood, Newport, Fife. Tel.: Newport 113.
YOUNG, Sydney John, B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech. Eng., A.M.I.A.E., Head of Depart. of Auto. Engineering Loughborough College, Leicester. B. 4 February 1887, London. Ed.: King's School, Warwick; Birmingham University. Car.: 1909/1910 with Daimler Co., Coventry (materials testing lab. and drawing office); 1911/192o Wolseley Motors (Assist. to Chief Engineer); 1921/1925 Bradford Technical College (lecturer in auto. engineering); 1925 to date present position. Md.: 1 son. Int.: Badminton, mediaeval architecture. Pr. A.: Warwick House, Burton Street, Loughborough.
YOUNG, William, M.I.A.E., Pro. W. Young, Claydon Works, Wishaw, Scotland. B. 14 May 1891, Carluke. Ed.: Carluke Higher Grade, Glasgow High School; West of Scotland Technical College; apprntcd. Belhaven Engineering Works, Wishaw, and Alchin, Northampton. Car.: draughtsman with J. & E. Hall, Dartford; Wolseley Motors, Birmingham; Karrier Motors, Huddersfield; Chief Eng. (Motor Dept.) Browett Lindleys, Manchester; Captain R.A.F. 1915 to 1918; Chief Eng. and Designer Karrier Motors, Ltd. to 1922. Md.: 2 children. Int.: golf. Pr. A.: "Havelock," Car luke, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Tel.: Carluke 103.
See Also
Sources of Information