1937 Institute of Metals: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1937 Institute of Metals
- Invitation to hold 1938 Autumn Meeting in U.S.A. . . . 13
- Co-operation with Iron and Steel Institute and American, Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers . . . . . . 14
- Report of Council ... 15
- Report of Honorary Treasurer ^ 24
- Endowment Fund . . . ^ 28
- Election of Officers for 1937-1938 30
- Election of Members, Student Members and Associate Members. 30
- Re-Election of Auditors . • 32
- Votes of Thanks . • 33
- 760. Metal Spraying : Processes and Some Characteristics of the Deposits. By E. C. Rollason, M.Sc. With Discussion and Correspondence . 35
- 759. An Aluminium Statue of 1893: Gilbert's I. Eros." By Professor R. S. Hutton, MA., D.Sc., and Richard Seligman, Ph.nat.D. With Discussion and Correspondence . . 67
- 763. The Effect of the Addition of Small Percentages of Iron and Silicon to a High-Purity 4 Per Cent. Copper—Aluminium Alloy. By Marie L. V. Gayler, D.Sc. (Mrs. Haughton). With Correspondence . . . 75
- 765. Note on the Influence of Small Amounts of Titanium on the Mechanical Properties of Some Aluminium Casting Alloys. By T. H. Schofield, M.Sc., and C. E. Phillips, A.C.G.I., D.I.C. With Correspondence . 101
- 754. Stress—Strain Characteristics of Copper, Silver, and Gold. By J. McKeown, M.Sc.,Ph.D., and O. F. Hudson,A.R.C.S., D.Sc. With Discussion and orrespondence . . . 109
- 768. The Effect of Manganese on the " Annealing Brittleness " of Copes— Nickel. By B. K. Bose, M.Sc., D.I.C. With Correspondence . . 133
- 750. The Resistance of Some Special Bronzes to Fatigue and Corrosion- Fatigue. By H. J. Gough, M.B.E., D.Sc., F.R.S., and D. G. Sopwith, B.Sc.Tech. With Discussion and Correspondence . . . 143
- 749. Directional Properties in Rolled Brass Strip. By Maurice Cook, M.Sc., Ph.D. With Discussion and Correspondence 159
- 761. A Study in the Metallography and Mechanical Properties of Lead. By Brinley Jones, M.Met. With Discussion and Correspondence . . 187
- 757. Creep of Lead and Lead Alloys. Part I.—Creep of Virgin Lead. By J. McKeown, M.Sc., Ph.D. With Discussion and Correspondence . 201
- 764. The Effect of Cast Structure on the Rolling Properties of Zinc. By L. Northcott, Ph.D., M.Sc. With Discussion and Correspondence . 229 ix
- 762. The Theory of Age-Hardening. By Marie L. V. Gayler, D.Sc. (Mrs. Haughton). With Discussion and Correspondence . • . 249
- 755. The Estimation of Grain-Size in the Region Above 10' cm. By R. A. Stephen, M.Sc., and R. J. Barnes, Ph.D. With Discussion and Correspondence 285
- 751. The Control of Composition in the Application of the Debye-Scherrer Method of X-Ray Crystal Analysis to the Study of Alloys. By William Hume-Rothery, M.A.' D.Sc., and Peter William Reynolds, B.A., B.Sc With Discussion and Correspondence 303
- 769. An X-Ray Study of the Chromium-Aluminium Equilibrium Diagram By A. J. Bradley, D.Sc., and S. S. Lu, Ph D 319
- 756. Alloys of Magnesium. Part V.—The Constitution of the Magnesium-Rich Alloys of Magnesium and Cerium. By J. L. Haughton, D.Sc., and T. H. Schofield, M.Sc. With Discussion 339
- 752. The Solubility of Silver and Gold in Solid Magnesium. By William Hume-Rothery, M.A., D.Sc., and Ewart Butchers, B.A., B.Sc. . . 345
- 753. Alloys of Magnesium. Part IV.—The Constitution of the Magnesium-Rich Alloys of Magnesium and Silver. By R. J. M. Payne, B.Sc., and J. L. Houghton, D.Sc.. . . . . . . . . 351
- Joint Discussion and Correspondence on the papers by Dr. Hume- Rothery and Mr. Butcher and Mr. Payne and Dr. Haughton . . 357
- 758. The Constitution of Silver-Rich Antimony-Silver Alloys. By Peter W. Reynolds, B.A., B.Sc., and William Hume-Rothery, M.A., D.Sc. With Discussion . . . . . . . . 365
- 766. The Constitution of the Alloys of Silver, Tin, and Mercury. By Marie L. V. Gayler, D.Sc. (Mrs. Haughton). With Correspondence . . . 379
- 767. Dental Amalgams. By Marie L. V. Gayler, D.Sc. (Mrs. Haughton). With Correspondence . . . 407
- MAY LECTURE ..... . . . . 425
- 770. The Flow of Metals. Twenty-Seventh May Lecture. By Professor Andrade, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S. ..... 427
- Obituary . . 447
- Names Index . 451
- Welcome by Institute's Hosts .. ^ 12
- Nominations of Officers for 1938-1939 . • 13
- Election of Members and Student Members 14
- Autumn Lecture . 15
- Votes of Thanks . .. 16
- 785. Metallurgy and the Aero-Engine. •Sixteenth Autumn. Lecture. By D. R. Pye, C.B., M.A., Sc.D., F.R.S. . . . . . . 19
- 780. Inverse Segregation. : A. Review. By N. B. Vaughan, M.Sc. With Correspondence. . . . . 35
- 773. The Mechanical Properties of Some Metals and Alloys Broken at Ultra High Speeds. By D. W. Ginns, Wh.Sc., B.A. With Discussion. and. Correspondence . . . . . 61
- 786. Note on the Effect of Silicon on the Mechanical Properties of 7 Per Cent Copper-Aluminium Alloy (L 11). By T. H. Schofield, M.Sc., C. E Phillips, A.C.G.I., D.I.C., and S. L. Archbutt, F.I.C. . . 79
- 774. Copper-Rich Nickel-Aluminium-Copper Alloys. Part I.-The Effect of Heat-Treatment on Hardness and Electrical Resistivity. By W. 0. Alexander, B.Sc., Ph.D., and Professor D. Hanson, D.Sc. With Discussion and Correspondence 83
- 775. Precision Extensometer Measurements on Tin. By Bruce Chalmers, B.Sc., Ph.D. With Discussion and Correspondence . . 103
- 784. A Study of the Mechanical Properties of Tin-Rich Antimony-Cadmium- Tin Alloys. By Professor D. Hanson, D.Sc., and W. T. Pell-Walpole, B.Sc., Ph.D. With Discussion and Correspondence . . 123
- 771. The Methods of Testing Zinc Coatings. By L. Kenworthy, M.Sc., A.R.C.S. With Discussion and Correspondence . . . . 143
- 779. A Study of the Deformation of the Macrostructure of Some Two-Phase Alloys by Cold-Rolling. By Hermann Unekel, Dr.-Ing. With Discussion and Correspondence . . . . . . . 171
- 776. A New Intermediate Phase in the Aluminium-Copper System. By A. G. Dowson . .... . 197
- 782. The Constitution of the Copper-Gallium Alloys in the Region 18 to 32 Atomic Per Cent. of Gallium. By William Hume-Rothery, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., and Geoffrey Vincent Raynor, B.A., B.Sc. With Correspondence 205
- 781. Th d II7r14Pitnnsloaitii,o1141 in theBrasses. By Di.syclPoynk:ndpg:;:e!'phOr%'exliC 223
- 777. Alloys of Magnesium. Part VI.-The Constitution of the Magnesium- Rich Alloys of Magnesium and Calcium. By J. L. Haughton, D.Sc.. 241
- 778. The Constitution of the Nickel-Aluminium System. By W. 0. Alex- ander, Ph.D., and N. B. Vaughan, M.Sc. With Discussion and Correspondence . . ...... . 247
- 783. The Constitution of Tin-Rich Antimony-Cadmium-Tin Alloys. By Professor D. Hanson, D.Sc., and W. T. Pell-Walpole, B.Sc., Ph.D. . 265
- 772. The Determination of Alumina in the Presence of Metallic Aluminium. By G. B. Brook, F.R.S.E., and. A. G. Waddington. With Discussion and Correspondence ....... . . 309
- Obituary . . 323
- Name Index . 329
See Also
Sources of Information