1947 Institute of Metals: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1947 Institute of Metals
Annual General Meeting, London, 5, 6, and 7 March 1947 :
- Report of Council . . . xv
- Report of the Honorary Treasurer xvi
- Re-election of Auditors . . xvii
- Election of Officers for 1947-48 . . . . xvii
- Election of Members, Associate Members, and Student Members • xviii
- The Future of the Institute . . . . . xxv
- The Institute of Metals (Platinum) Medal, 1947: Presentation jointly to Dr. Marie L. V. Gayler (Mrs. Naughton) and Dr. J. L. Haughton . . . xxvi
- Discussion of Papers . xxviii
- Dinner and Dance . xxviii
- Visits ... xxviii
- Discussion of Papers . xxix
- Votes of Thanks . . . . xxix
Annual May Meeting, London, 21 and 22 May 1947 xxix
- May Lecture . . . . . xxix
- Resignation of Honorary Treasurer xxix
- Appointment of New Secretary . xxx
- Increase of Subscriptions . . . . xxxi
- Election of Members and Student Members. xxxi
- Discussion of Papers xxxiv
- Annual Autumn Meeting, Glasgow, 23-26 September 1947 xxxiv
- Nomination of Officers for 1948-49 . xxxv
- Election of a Fellow . . . . . . . xxxvi
- Election of Members, Associate Members, and Student Members ... xxxvii
- Discussion of Papers . . xli
- Visits and Social Functions xlii
- Discussion of Papers . xlii
- Votes of Thanks xliii
- Dinner and Dance xliii
Symposium on "Internal Stresses in Metals and Alloys" xliv
- Discussion of Papers . . . xliv
- Votes of Thanks . . xlvi
- 1034. Observations on the Rate and Mechanism of Recrystallization in Copper. By Maurice Cook, D.Sc., Ph.D., and T. LI. Richards, B.Sc., Ph.D. . .
- Discussion and correspondence . 705
- 1035. Properties of the Aluminium-Silicon Alloys at Temperatures in the Region of the Solidus. By A. R. E. Singer, B.Sc., and S. A. Cottrell, B.Sc 33
- Discussion and correspondence 726
- 1036. Some Factors in the Reduction of the Iron Content of Magnesium-Base Alloys. By F. A. Fox, M.Sc., C. J. Bushrod, M.Sc., and S. E. Mayer, Ph.D. ... 55
- Discussion and correspondence . . 739
- 1037. A New Aluminium-Rich Phase in the Alloys of Aluminium and Manganese. By (Miss) K. Little, B.A., B.Sc., G. V. Raynor, M.A., D.Phil., and. W. Hume-Rothery, M.A , D.Sc., F.R.S. . . . 83
- Correspondence . ..... . 747
- 1038. The Influence of Composition on the Adhesion of Tin-Base Bearing Alloys to Steel. By P. G. Forrester, M.Sc., and L. T. Greenfield, M.Sc. . 91
- Discussion . . 750
- 1039. Magnesium-Cerium-Zirconium Alloys Properties at Elevated Temperatures. By A. J. Murphy, M.Sc., and R. J. M. Payne, B.Sc. . . . . . 105
- Discussion and correspondence 753, 819
- 1040. The Variation in Corrosion Properties Over Two Magnesium Alloy Sheets. By E. R. W. Jones, B.A., and. Marion. K. Petch, B.A. . ... . 129
- Discussion and correspondence 825
- 1041. Corrosion of Copper, Lead, and Lead-Alloy Specimens After Burial in a Number of Soils for Periods up to 10 Years. By P. T. Gilbert, B.Sc 139
- 1042. Effect of Iron and Silicon Impurities on the Tensile Properties and Heat-Treatment Characteristics of Sand-Cast Aluminium-10 Per Cent. Magnesium Alloy Test Bars. By R. T. Parker, Ph.D., B.Sc., A.R.S.M., (Miss) G. M. L. Cox, BA., and A. N. Turner, B.Sc., A.R.S.M. . 175
- Discussion 757
- 1043. Hot-Shortness of the Aluminium-Silicon Alloys of Commercial Purity. By A. R. E. Singer, B.Sc., and. P. H. Jennings, B.Sc. . 197
- Discussion and correspondence •
- 1044. A Rapid Method for the Analysis of Light Alloys, Based on Electrical Resistivity. By L. Rotherham, M.Sc., and J. I. Morley, A.Met. 213 726
- Correspondence
- 1045. A Note on the Influence of Additions of Thorium to Magnesium-Base Alloys. By F. A. Fox, M.Sc. . .
- 1046. Investigations on the Effect of Zinc on the Corrosion of Some Magnesium Casting Alloys. By F. A. Fox, M.Sc. . 229 760
- Discussion
- 1047. Some Mathematical Considerations and Experiments Concerning the Shape of Pipes in Ingots. By E. W. Fell, Dr.-Ing., M.Sc. . . ..... 243
- 1048. A Note on the Selective Corrosion of Phosphor-Bronze in Hot Water Service. By W. D. Clark, M.A., M.Sc. . 263
- Discussion 763
- 1049. Hot-Shortness of Some Aluminium—Iron—Silicon Alloys of High Purity. By A. R. E. Singer, B.Sc., and P. H. Jennings, B Sc 273
- Discussion and correspondence 726
- 1050. A Theory of the Age-Hardening of Aluminium—Copper Alloys, Based on Vacant Lattice Sites. By F. Rohner, Ph.D 285
- Discussion and correspondence . . . . 768
- 1051. The Mechanism of the Embrittlement of Deoxidized Copper by Bismuth. By E. Voce, Ph.D., M.Sc., and A. P. C. Hallowes, B.Sc. ..... . . 323
- Discussion and correspondence . . . . . 786
- 1052. The Microstructure of Wrought Non-Arsenical Phosphorus-Deoxidized Copper Containing Small Quantities of Bismuth. By T. H. Schofield, M.Sc., and F. W. Cuckow, B.Sc. . 377
- Discussion and correspondence . . . . . 786
- 1053. Diffusion of Carbon into Tungsten. By H. Pirani, D.Phil., and J. Sandor, D.I.C. . ..... . 385
- Correspondence . . . 807
- 1054. The Constitution of the Aluminium-Rich Aluminium—Iron—Nickel Alloys. By G. V. Raynor, M.A., D.Phil., and P. C. L. Pfeil, B.Sc. . ..... . 397
- Report of Council for the Year Ended 31 December 1946 . . 421
- Report of the Honorary Treasurer for the Financial Year Ended 30 June 1946 . . ..... . 427
- 1055. The Deformation of Tin-Base Bearing Alloys by Heating and Cooling. By W. Boas, D.Ing., and R. W. K. Honeycombs, M.Sc. ..... . . 433
- Correspondence 809
- 1056. The Mechanical Properties of Some Extruded Zinc-Base Alloys. By A. S. Kenneford, M.Sc. . . . 445
- Correspondence 811
- 1057. Primary Binary Solid Solutions. By Professor E. A. Owen, M.A., Sc.D. . . 471
- 1058. The Centrifugal Casting of Copper Alloy Wheels in Sand Moulds. By O. R. J. Lee, Ph.D., M.Sc., and L. Northcott, D.Sc., Ph.D 491
- Discussion and correspondence 846
See Also
Sources of Information