1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Suppliers Z

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
ZENITH ELECTRIC CO. LTD., ZENITH WORKS, VILLIERS ROAD, WILLESDEN GREEN, LONDON, N.W.2. T.A., "Voltaohm, Norphone, London". T.N., WILlesden 4087/9 (3 lines). Registered Office: 28 MONUMENT STREET, LONDON, E.C.3. Established 1918; Limited 1926.
Transformers; switch gear and meter testing equipment; etc.
Trade Names: Ceramite; Variac; Zenite; Zenohm; Zenith.
Managing Director: L. F. Fogarty.
Secretary: W. J. Willmot.
Associated with R. Lehmann & Co. Ltd.
ZIRCONAL LTD. Registered Office: 103 CANNON STREET, LONDON, E.C.4. T.N., MANsion House 3582. London Office and Works: 25 CLYDE VALE, DARTMOUTH ROAD, FOREST HILL, S.E.23. T.N., FORest Hill 3424/5. Established 1946.
Refractory moulds, in alumina and sillimanite, for fancy glass and decorations; orifices; plungers; special burner blocks to customers' requirements; general refractories.
Managing Director: F. George.
Secretary: W. K. Wells.