1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Users A

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
ABBEY STUDIO, 20 COWGATE, EDINBURGH; 112 HOPE STREET, GLASGOW. T.Nos., Edinburgh CENtral 5561; Glasgow CENtral 7891.
Stained and leaded glass.
Proprietor: R. D. McLundie.
ABBOTT, ANDERSON & ABBOTT LTD., HEATH FIELD WORKS, HARPENDEN, HERTS. T.A., "Abbotts, Harpenden". T.N., Harpenden 38. London Office: 76 CAVENDISH STHEET, W.1. T.A., "Abbotts, London". T.N., LANgham 3595/7 (3 lines). Established 1867.
Glass fabric, glass insulation tapes.
Trade Name: Abbott Brand.
Managing Director: N. A. Samler Brown.
Secretary: P. Phillips.
ABBOTT & CO. (LANCASTER) LTD., ST. JOHN'S STUDIO, 11 CHAPEL STREET, LANCASTER. T.A., "Verre, Lancaster". T.N., Lancaster 4502. Established 1860.
Stained glass; memorial tablets.
Managing Director and Secretary: I. E. Singleton.
ADAMS (C. W.) & CO. LTD. Head Office: 12 GILDEN ROAD, KENTISH TOWN, LONDON, N.W.5. T.A., "Thermad, London". T.N., GULiiver 3630. Works: 3A BLUCHER STREET, BROADWAY GARAGE, CHESHAM, BUCKS. Established 1933.
Milk-testing apparatus (Babcock and Gerber method); thermometers; butyrometers; graduated cylinders.
Directors: C. W. Adams; T. Anson.
AIMER PRODUCTS LTD. Head Office and Works: 56/58 ROCHESTER PLACE, CAMDEN ROAD, LONDON, W.1. T.A., "Gulliver 3618". T.N., GULliver 3618. Registered Offices: 71 MOORGATE, LONDON, E.C.2. Established 1911.
Apparatus made to specification in all types of glass, plain or graduated, with or without standard ground joints; supply of laboratory and hospital apparatus and equipment.
Directors: W. F. Dowden (Managing); H. Webster (Sales); D. A. Sanderson (Works).
ALDIS BROTHERS LTD., 109/139, SAREHOLE ROAD, HALL GREEN, BIRMINGHAM 28. T.A., "Optical, Birmingham". T.N., SPRingfield 3343/5 (3 lines). London Agents: NEVILLE BROWN & Co. LTD., NEWMAN YARD, NEWMAN STREET, W.1. Established 1902.
New Aldis universal projector; professional self-focussing enlarger; Aldis telescopic rifle sight; Aldis daylight signalling lamp.
Trade Name: Aldis.
Directors: C. E. T. Cridland (Managing); A. J. Aldis (Technical); E. A. Corbett (Commercial).
ALLIED INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS LTD., 20/24 PARKWAY, LONDON, .W.1. T.A., "Alinstruco, London". T.N., GULliver 1133/4. Established 1937.
Ophthalmic instruments.
Trade Name: Aimark.
Directors: H. C. Binstead; G. A. G. Carter; A. C. Clarke; H. H. Emsley; A. W. Hawes; J. R. Howard; J. A. Moore; E. E. Snow; F. R. Woodcock.
Optical glass; lenses, graticules and magnifiers; ophthalmic lenses.
Managing Director: E. M. Crockford.
Secretary: J. Robins.
AMBLECOTE GLASS CO. LTD. Head Office: HIGH STREET, AMBLECOTE, STOURBRIDGE. T.A., "Ambglass, Stourbridge". T.N., Stourbridge 57224. Works: AMBLECOTE GLASS WORKS, AMBLECOTE, STOURBRIDGE. London Office: MORLEY HOUSE, 26 HOLBORN VIADUCT, E.C.1. T.N., CENtral 8556. Late Flemings Glass Works.
Domestic glassware; cutters and engravers.
Managing Director: J. A. Kirby.
ANCHOR GLASS CO. LTD., BRENT CROSS WORKS, NORTH CIRCULAR ROAD, LONDON, N.W.2. T.A., "Anchorglas, London". T.N., GLAdstone 0123/5 (3 lines). Established 1942.
Lamp-blown scientific, medical and laboratory glassware; glass bending for neon signs; neon lamps; mercury switches.
Trade Name: Anchor.
Managing Director: W. R. Morton.
Secretary: K. Morton.
ANDREWARTHA LTD., PRINCE ROCK, PLYMOUTH. T.A., "Andrewartha, 3131 Plymouth". T.N., Plymouth 3131.
Suppliers of plate, sheet and safety glass; processors of glass; leaded lights.
Managing Director: H. G. Small.
Secretary: G. C. Andrewartha.
ANDREWS & BARR. Head Office: 83 ROCKINGHAM LANE, SHEFFIELD 1. T.N., Sheffield 22701. Works: 114 BROAD LANE, SHEFFIELD 1. Established 1947.
Processers of glass: embossing, painting and silvering; wall panelling.
See Advertisement, page 10.
ANDREWS (EDGAR F.) & CO. LTD., MARBLEXA GLASS WORKS, TYLERS AVENUE, SOUTHEND-ON-SEA, ESSEX. T.A., "Southend 67737". T.N., Southend 67737. Established 1931.
Stockists and polishers of plate glass, etc.; leaded lights; patent roof fixers and glaziers; Vitrolite wall lining; splashbacks and bath panels, etc., supplied and fitted; glass brick fixers.
Managing Director: E. F. Andrews.
Secretary: R. Davies.
ANGEL GLASS WORKS, 784/792 HIGH ROAD, TOTTENHAM, LONDON, N.17. T.A., "Anglas, Southtot, London". T.N., TOTtenham 6316/7. Established 1935.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; mirror specialists.
Managing Director: M. Wingate.
APEX GLASS CO. LTD., 390 BOWES ROAD, NEW SOUTHGATE, LONDON, N.11. T.N., ENTerprise 3810. London Office: 27 MARTIN LANE, LONDON, E.C.4. Established 1946.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; stained glass windows; leaded lights.
Managing Director: P. H. Williams.
Secretary: S. W. Williams.
APIS ENGINEERING & RESEARCH LTD., 136 PINNER ROAD, NORTHWOOD, MIDDLESEX. T.N., Northwood 226 and 1539. Established 1946.
Ampoules; capsules; syringes, etc.
Trade Name: Apis.
Directors: H. P. Schofield (Managing); J. R. Barralet (General Manager).
Secretary: H. Schofield.
See also Section C.
APPLIED ART GLASS CO. LTD., SIMES STREET, WESTGATE, BRADFORD, YORKS. T.A., "Mirrart, Bradford". T.N., Bradford 24631/2. Established 1929.
Processers of glass: bending, cutting, grinding, sandblasting, etc.; constructional glass products; stained glass.
Trade Name: Mirrart Products.
Managing Director: N. Leach.
Secretary: C. Peace.
ARCHER (R.) & SONS LTD. Head Office: 205/207 CITY ROAD, LONDON, E.C.1. T.A., "Ametropia, Phone, London". T.N., CLErkenwell 8152. Branch Works: CHAPELHALL INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, LANARKSHIRE. Established 1859.
Ophthalmic lenses.
Managing Director: T. W. Archer.
Secretary: H. O. Archer.
ARCHER (WM.), BOTTRILL & FULLER LTD., "WALPAMUR HOUSE", 114/116 OXFORD ROAD, READING, BERKS. T.A., "Walpamur, Reading". T.N., Reading 5078. Established 1779.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products.
Managing Director: G. F. W. Lister.
ARMSTRONG (R. H.) & CO. (PENDLETON) LTD. Head Office and Works: STRAWBERRY ROAD, SALFORD 6, LANCS. T.N., PENdleton 1627/8. Works: FREDERICK ROAD, SALFORD 6. Established 1926.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; stained glass windows; leaded lights; patent glazing; mirrors.
Managing Director: R. H. Armstrong.
Secretary: E. Boardman.
ARNOLD (ALFRED), SHANNON STREET MILLS, LEEDS 9, YORKS. T.A., "Glass, Leeds 9". T.N., Leeds 24434 and 21792. Established 1883.
Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; specialists in mirrors.
ARNOLD & STOTT, SAYNER LANE, HUNSLET, LEEDS 10, YORKS. T.N., Leeds 23003. Established 1922.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; leaded lights; motor-car windscreens.
Proprietor: T. Arnold.
ARNULL (S.), WATT & CO. LTD. Head Office: 1 DORCHESTER STREET, NEW NORTH ROAD, LONDON, N.1. T.A., "Shoreditch 5952". T.N., SHOreditch 5952. Works: 1A DORCHESTER STREET, NEW NORTH ROAD, LONDON, N.1. Established 1900.
Lamp-blown medical glassware; hydrometers.
Managing Director: C. B. Arnull.
Secretary: A. Arnull.
ART PAVEMENTS & DECORATIONS LTD., ST. PAUL'S CRESCENT, CAMDEN TOWN, LONDON, N.W.1. T.A., "Granulemos, Norwest, London". T.N., GULliver 2226. Established 1900.
Vitreous glass mosaic; Venetian glass mosaic.
Directors: J. D. Dawson; A. W. Sack; J. Barnes.
ATLAS GLASS WORKS. Head Office: 243 QUEENS BRIDGE ROAD, LONDON, E.8. T.N., CLissold 2589. Works: 62 ANGRAVE STREET, LONDON, E.8. T.N., CLissold 2589. London Office: 1 UNION STREET, LONDON, S.E.1. T.N., HOP 2219. Established 1940.
Mirrors; photograph and picture glasses; mirrograph photo. frames.
Managing Director: A. V. Parry.
Secretary: G. B. Rogers.
AUTOMOBILE GLASS CO. LTD. Head Office: 40 MERRION STREET, LEEDS 2, YORKS. T.N., Leeds 27266 and 27245. Works: 62/64 MERRION STREET, and WADE YARD, LEEDS 2. T.N., Leeds 27266 and 27245. 20 MARKET STREET, HALIFAX, YORKS. T.N., Halifax 60964. Established 1936.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; motor-car windscreens; mirrors.
Managing Director: F. P. Wilkinson.
Secretary: G. Gomersal.
AVIMO LTD., TAUNTON, SOMERSET. T.A., "Avimo, Taunton". T.N., Taunton 3634. Established 1937.
Lenses, prisms and flats of all types; camera, projection and special optical systems made to customers' requirements; aluminising, blooming, silvering (surface or otherwise); graticules, etc.
Trade Name: Avimo.
Directors: H. W. Martin (Chairman); Col. V. C. Steer-Webster, O.B.E. (Managing); Air Commodore B. C. H. Drew, C.M.G., C.V.O., C.B.E.
AYGEE LTD. Head Office: 100 WESTMINSTER BRIDGE ROAD, LONDON, S.E.1. T.N., WATerloo 6314/9 (6 lines). Works: LANFRANC STREET, LONDON, S.E.1. Established 1881.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Constructional glass products; glass wall lining; stained glass; copper lights; leaded lights; mirrors.
Managing Director: G. M. Gee.
Secretary: W. Pettifor, A.C.A., F.I.C.S.
See Also
Sources of Information