1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Users L

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
Lampblown laboratory, scientific and medical glassware and apparatus.
Laboratory, scientific and medical (including lampblown) glassware and apparatus.
Managing Director: M. R. Lange.
LAMPBLOWN SCIENTIFIC GLASS CO. LTD., STOUGHTON WORKS, 20/24 BEAUMONT ROAD, CHISWICK, LONDON, W.4. T.A., "Dellamp, Chisk, London". T.N., CHiswick 4484/6 (3 lines). Established 1940.
Lampblown glassware of all types; ampoules; speciality: high vacuum stopcocks.
Directors: J. K. Robinson Davies, F.C.A.; E. Tyzack; C. C. McLaren.
LANE (C. E.) (NEON) LTD. Head Office: 42 CLIFTON ROAD, ALEXANDRA PARK, LONDON, N.22. T.N., BOWes Park 7372. Works: 13A OAKLEIGH ROAD, NEW SOUTHGATE, LONDON, N.11. Established 1944.
Lampblown laboratory, and medical glassware and apparatus; supply and installation of pipe-line and vacuum circuits of every description; glass-to-metal seals; graded seals; research and development glassblowing consultants.
Trade Name: Invicta.
Managing Director: C. E. Lane.
Secretary: K. M. Lane.
LAURIE (W. S.), SCOTIA GLASS WORKS, WALSALL STREET, WOLVERHAMPTON. T.A., "Glass, Wolverhampton". T.N., Wolverhampton 21867.
Silvering; bevelling; brilliant cutting; embossing; motor screens a speciality.
LAZENBY (GEORGE), 4 ELDON PLACE, MANNINGHAM LANE, BRADFORD. T.N., Bradford 25441. Established over fifty years.
Stained glass; leaded lights.
Proprietor: F. C. Blackburn.
LAZENBY (WILLIAM), KING STREET, SCARBOROUGH, YORKS. T.N., Scarborough 1354. Established 1924.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; leaded lights.
LEADBEATER & PETERS LTD. Head Office: 47 VICTORIA STREET, SHEFFIELD 3. T.N., Sheffield 27367. Works: 9/11 CONVENT WALK, SHEFFIELD. T.N., 25964. Established 1863.
Ophthalmic lenses; prisms; spectacle glasses.
Managing Director: J. E. Peters.
Secretary: E. Bentley.
LEAY GLAZING SERVICE LTD. Head Office: 1 PARK HILL, CLAPHAM, LONDON, S.W.4. T.N., MACaulay 1172/3. Established 1931.
Stained glass; leaded lights; wall lining.
Managing Director: R. M. Lea.
Secretary: A. A. Vaines.
LEE (LAWRENCE), A.R.C.A., 81 SUTTON COMMON ROAD, SUTTON, SURREY. T.N., BELlwood 6643. Established 1945.
Stained glass windows.
LENTON & RUSBY LTD. Head Office and Works: APEX WORKS, ELM LANE, SHEFFIELD 5. T.A., "Lenton, Sheffield". T.N., Sheffield 36287 (5 lines). Branch: LENTON & RUSBY LTD., 8 PARK LANE, LIVERPOOL 1. T.A., "Lentorusby, Liverpool". T.N., ROYal 7160. London Office: LENTON & RUSBY (LONDON) LTD., SURPASS HOUSE, 26 HARRISON STREET, W.C.1. T.A., "Lentorusby, Kincross, London". T.N., TERminus 8492/3. Established 1817.
Reducing lenses; ophthalmic lenses; speciality: magnifiers such as flat field; eyeglasses; semi scientific lenses; optical trial cases; fused bifocal blanks; fused bifocal lenses, finished and semi finished; readers; gold-filled and nickel frames; acetate and nitrate frames; spectacle cases; watchmakers' eyeglasses. Ex works for home and export.
Trade Name: Surpass.
Joint Managing Directors: E. Lenton Styring; Miss W. Styring.
Secretary: M. Smith.
See Advertisement, page 404.
LENTON STYRING LTD. APEX WORKS, ELM LANE, SHEFFIELD 5. T.A., "Lenring, Sheffield". T.N., Sheffield 36261. Established 1932.
Ophthalmic lenses; fused bifocal blanks; toric and meniscus lenses; metal frames in gold-filled and nickel.
Joint Managing Directors: E. Lenton Styring; Miss W. Styring.
Secretary: M. Smith.
Associated Company of Lenton & Rusby Ltd., Apex Works, Elm Lane, Sheffield 5.
LEVERS OPTICAL CO. LTD., 38 MOUNT PLEASANT, LONDON, W.C.1. T.A., "Terminus 1434, Leveroptic, London". T.N., TERminus 1434. Established 1919. Seven enclosed furnaces: gas; electricity.
Ophthalmic lenses; lenses; optical flats; spectacle glasses; glass pressings for optical purposes.
Managing Director: H. M. Lever.
Secretary: F. W. Wilkins.
LEVY (BERNARD) & CO. LTD., 9/11 SAINT ANNE STREET, LIVERPOOL 3. T.N., NORth 1493. Established 1899.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; mirrors; wall panelling.
Managing Director: L. Levy.
Secretary: C. Levy.
LEWITT (W. S.) & SON LTD. Head Office and Works: CHESTERFIELD STREET, GREYFRIAR GATE, NOTTINGHAM. T.N., Nottingham 46238/9. Works: PADDOCK STREET, NOTTINGHAM. Established 1926.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; leaded lights; wall panelling.
Managing Director: S. C. Lewitt.
Secretary: Mrs. M. M. Pretty.
LEYLAND & SONS LTD. Head Office and Works: TALBOT ROAD, STRETFORD, MANCHESTER. T.N., LONgford 3211/2. Works: 5 YORK ROAD, COLWYN BAY, DENBIGHS. T.N., Colwyn Bay 2075. Established 1897. One glass-painting kiln: gas; electricity.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; stained glass; leaded lights; motor screens.
Managing Director: F. V. Leyland.
Secretary: S. M. Leyland.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; stained glass windows; leaded lights; copper lights.
Managing Director: Colonel C. E. Lightfoot, C.B.E., J.P.
Secretary: J. Lomas.
LIMES GLASS WORKS LTD., BEADLES LANE, OXTED. T.A., "Limes Glass Works Ltd., Oxted". T.N., Oxted 1101. Established 1920.
Glass manipulators; leaded light manufacturers.
Managing Director: S. W. Vaus.
Secretary: J. E. Biella.
LINOLITE LTD., THE MILL WORKS, MALMESBURY, WILTS. T.A., "Lytanclip, Malmesbury". T.N., Malmesbury 2240/1. London Office: 158 BISHOPSGATE, E.C.2. T.N., BIShopsgate 9623/4. Established 1914.
Reflectors; direction sign glasses; decorative lighting fittings.
Trade Names: Linolite; Linoglas.
Governing Director: A. W. Beuttell, M.I.E.E., F.I.E.S.
Secretary: F. A. Duke.
LION LEADED LIGHT WORKS, 7 GEORGE STREET, NOTTINGHAM. T.N., Nottingham 43228. Established 1925.
Leaded lights; stained and painted glass.
Proprietor: H. L. May.
LISLE, MUNDAY & CO. LTD., PRIORY ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON. T.A., "Paint, Southampton". T.N., Southampton 54077. Established 1848. One electric firing kiln.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Craftsmen and designers in stained glass and leaded lights; decorative art glass; mirrors.
Secretary: Miss D. Hogg.
LLOYD (JOHN) & SON, 153 IRVING STREET, BIRMINGHAM 15. T.N., MIDland 3108 Established 1903.
Specialists in bending and silvering of glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products.
Proprietors: Pearce & Cutler Ltd., Birmingham 1.
LONDON ELECTRIC WIRE CO. & SMITHS LTD. Head Office: 24 QUEEN ANNE'S GATE, LONDON, S.W.1. T.N., WHitehall 8671. Works: CHURCH ROAD, LEYTON, LONDON, E.10. T.N., LEYtonstone 3636.
Glass insulated flexibles-winding wires insulated with glass fibre yarns and braids.
Trade Name: Lewcoglass.
LONDON OPTICAL CO. LTD., 344/54 GRAYS INN ROAD, LOND0N, W.C.1. T.A., "Locoptical, Kincross, London". T.N., TERminus 6375/7 (3 lines). Established 1904.
Manipulators and finishers of ophthalmic lenses from blanks; eyeglasses; spectacles.
Managing Director: W. F. Schaffler.
Secretary: R. Everett.
LONDON SAND BLAST DECORATIVE GLASS WORKS LTD., SEAGER PLACE, BURDETT ROAD, LONDON, E.3. T.A., "Sandblast, Bochurch, London". T.N., ADVance 1074/5. Established 1875. Six ceramic kilns: gas.
Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; advertising ashtrays; illuminated advertising signs; fluorescent lamp troughs and diffusers; advertising glass jugs; lettering of chemical bottles; edge-lit glass signs.
Trade Name: Sandblast Fascias.
Managing Director and Secretary: J. C. Corsan, M. C.
LONG (JOSEPH) LTD. Head Office: 184 STATION ROAD, HARROW, MIDDLESEX. T.A., "Longeph, Norphone, London". T.N., HARrow 4505. Works: 207 GOSWELL ROAD, LONDON, E.C.1. T.N., TERminus 6224. Established 1818.
Hydrometers; thermometers.
Directors W. R. Jones (Managing); H . G . Faithful (Secretary); G. I. Feldwick; C. E. Jones.
LOUGHBOROUGH GLASS CO. LTD. Head Office: 43 REGENT STREET, LOUGHBOROUGH, LEICS. T.N., Loughborough 2292. Works: WILLOWS WORKS, DERBY ROAD, LOUGHBOROUGH. T.N., Loughborough 3855. Established 1946.
Lampblown laboratory, scientific and medical glassware and apparatus; triple-coil condensers; Pyrex pipe-lines; bubble cap fractionating columns; specialists in interchangeable ground glass joints and high-quality taps.
Managing Director: A. G. Barthel.
Secretary: C. Collins.
LUKE, DAMPNEY & CO. LTD., EXETER STREET, PLYMOUTH, DEVON. T.N., Plymouth 2067. Established 1833.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of Constructional glass products; stained glass; leaded lights; wall panelling .
LUMINOUS ELECTRIC APPLIANCES LTD., LuMELEC WoRKS, 62/63 EDWARD STREET, PARADE, BIRMINGHAM 1. T.A., "Central 1149". T.N., CENtral 1149. Established 1937.
Small neon tubes for electrical circuit tests; ignition plug testers; lamp blown glassware; glass tube bending; neon signs (tubing only).
Directors: J. E. Holloway; E. H. Weaver; W. M. Holt.
Secretary: O. F. Allsop.
LUMSDEN LAMP CO., MILLBURN, ALMONDBANK, PERTH, SCOTLAND. T.A., " Lumsden, Millburn, Almondbank". T.N., Almondbank 270. Established 1926.
Quartz mercury vapour lamps; analytical fluorescence testing lamps.
Trade Name: Lumsden Sun Lamps.
Managing Director and Secretary: D. M. Lumsden.
LURASCHI (A.), 11 GREVILLE STREET, HATTON GARDEN, LONDON, E.C.1. T.N., HOLborn 6671. Established eighty years.
Proprietor: A. Luraschi.
"Lumophor" fluorescent glass tubing.
Directors: J. K. Howes; H. C. Beckman.
LUXFER LTD., WAXLOW ROAD, HARLESDEN, LONDON, N.W.10. T.A., "Luxfer, Harles, London". T.N., ELGar 7292/5 (4 lines). Established 1898.
Leaded lights; copper lights; patent glazing.
Managing Director: R. E. Bates.
Secretary: J. R. Bates.
See Also
Sources of Information