1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Users M

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
McCARTHY (W. H.) & SON, 40 ROSEBERY AVENUE, CLERKENWELL, LONDON, E.C.1. T.N., TERminus 1508. Established 1867.
Refrigerator and industrial thermometers.
Proprietor: W. R. McCarthy.
McKENZIE (J.) & SON, 40 ROSOMAN STREET, CLERKENWELL, LONDON, E.C.1. T.N., TERminus 7533. Established 1863.
Barometers; thermometers; hydrometers.
Proprietor: J. A. McKenzie.
MACKENZIE (JOHN) (LEEDS) LTD., LARCHFIELD MILLS, PYM STREET, HUNSLET ROAD, LEEDS 10. T.A., "Bevelling, Leeds 10. T.N., Leeds 26015. Established 1893.
Stockists of plate and sheet glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products.
Managing Director: W. Mackenzie.
McQUILKIN & CO., 15 SAUCHIEHALL STREET, GLASGOW, C.2. T.A., "MacQuilkin, Glasgow". T.N., DOUglas 1277.
Chemical laboratory furnishers.
See also Section C.
MANUFACTURERS' SUPPLY CO. (WICKHAM) LTD. Registered Office: 19 GLEBE WAY, WEST WICKHAM, KENT. T.N., SPRingpark 5596. Works: 77 WILLOW WAY, SYDENHAM, LONDON, S.E.26. T.N., FORest Hill 7090. Established 1945.
Scientific glass apparatus; gas discharge tubes; photo-electric cells; Geiger-Muller tubes, etc.
Managing Director: H. G. Flood.
MARCONI INSTRUMENTS LTD., LONGACRES, ST. ALBANS, HERTS. T.A., "Measurtest, St. Albans". T.N., St. Albans 6161/5 (5 lines). London Office: 109 EATON SQUARE, S.W.1. T.N., SLOane 8615. Established 1936.
X-ray tubes; glass electrodes for pH determination.
General Manager: J. M. Furnival.
Secretary: C. Stanier.
MARCONI'S WIRELESS TELEGRAPH CO. LTD., MARCONI HOUSE, CHELMSFORD, ESSEX. T.A., "Expanse, Chelmsford". T.N., Chelmsford 3221. Established 1897.
Wireless apparatus.
Trade Name: Marconi.
MARKSON (F.) & CO. LTD., 2B CARNARVON STREET, MANCHESTER 4. T.A., "Portrait, Manchester". T.N., BLAckfriars 1579. Established 1946.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Glass processers: bevelling, silvering, brilliant cutting, etc.
Managing Director: F. Markson.
Secretary: E. Rosenthal.
MARSDEN (FREDERICK) LTD. Head Office: DENSMAR HOUSE, CANNON STREET, BIRMINGHAM 2. T.A., "Densmar, Birmingham". T.N., MIDland 2611/5 (5 lines). Works: DENSMAR MILL, COVENTRY. T.N., Coventry 4930. SHERBORNE SILK MILLS, DORSET. T.N., Sherborne 173. London Office: EMPIRE HOUSE, ST. MARTIN-LE-GRAND, E.C.1. T.N., METropolitan 0776. Established 1890.
Glass fabrics and tapes for electrical insulation and other industrial purposes.
Trade Name: Marglass.
Managing Director: F. Marsden.
Secretary: J. Ambler.
MARSDEN-SMITH GLASS LTD., GORDON ROAD WORKS, SOUTH TOWN, GREAT YARMOUTH. T.A., "Recoplast, Phone, Great Yarmouth". T.N., Great Yarmouth 3551. Branch Office: NEW ROAD, MITCHAM JUNCTION, SURREY. T.A., "Glassmiths, Mitcham". T.N., MITcham 2186. Established 1936.
Large confectionery jars.
Managing Director: H. Marsden-Smith.
See also Section C.
MASON & HODGHTON LTD., 474 HARROW ROAD, PADDINGTON, LONDON, W.9. T.N., CUNningham 4720. Established 1902.
Craftsmen and designers in stained glass; leaded lights.
Secretary: H. G. Hodghton.
MATHEWS (LEONARD). Head Office: STAINED GLASS STUDIOS, LOWER ADDISCOMBE ROAD, CROYDON, SURREY. T.N., CROydon 7683. Works: ALPHA ROAD, CROYDON. Established 1945. One electric glass kiln.
Craftsmen in ecclesiastical stained glass; leaded lights.
Proprietor: L. Mathews.
Secretary: Mrs. Dora Mathews.
MAYBURY BROS. LTD., ROEBUCK STREET, WEST BROMWICH. T.A., "Maybury, Roebuck Street, West Bromwich". T.N., WESt Bromwich 1042/3 and 1426. Established 1927; Limited Company 1937.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Stained glass windows; leaded lights; patent glazing.
Managing Director: J. T. Maybury.
Secretary: A. Fitzpatrick.
MAYLE (FRANK) & SONS LTD., 49 GOLDHAWK ROAD, SHEPHERDS BUSH, LONDON, W.12. T.N., SHEpherds Bush 4334 (6 lines).
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; stained glass; leaded lights; motor-car windscreens.
Managing Director: C. McCallum.
MEAKIN (H. S. B.) LTD., 36 VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.1. T.N., ABBey 6713. Works: 2 WESTBURY ROAD, HARLESDEN, LONDON, N.W.10. T.N., WILlesden 1419. Established 1936.
Strainviewers for glassware; polaris copes; Polaroid optical instruments.
Managing Director: H. S. B. Meakin.
See Advertisement, page 410.
MEASURING & SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT LTD. Head Office: 14/23 SPENSER STREET, LONDON, S.W.1. T.A., "Emesetool, Sowest, London". T.N., VICtoria 6086. Works: WARTON ROAD, STRATFORD, LONDON, E.15. Established 1948.
Centrifuge glassware.
Trade Name: MSE.
Chairman: E. H. Cousens.
Secretary: K. D. King.
MELLOWES & CO. LTD., CORPORATION STREET, SHEFFIELD 3. T.A., "Eclipse, Sheffield". T.N., Sheffield 22101/5 (5 lines). London Office: 54 VICTORIA STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W.1. T.A., "Mellowes, Sowest, London". T.N., VICtoria 3436/9 (4 lines). Established 1830.
Roof and side wall glazing; lantern skylights and domes of all types.
Trade Name: Eclipse.
Directors: H. Hall (Chairman); G. H. Tuffley; R. Caley; H. G. Hodkins.
See also Section C.
MERCHANT ADVENTURERS OF LONDON LTD., 43 PORTLAND ROAD, LONDON, W.11. T.A., "Merchadven, Nottarch, London". T.N., PARk 5617/9 (3 lines). Established 1920.
Illuminating glassware; decorative, fluorescent domestic and industrial lighting fittings.
Trade Names: Uticune; Decorlune; Fluorelune.
Managing Director: D. W. Boissevain.
Secretary: M. Russel.
METROPOLITAN-VICKERS ELECTRICAL CO. LTD. Head Office and Dry Works: TRAFFORO PARK, MANCHESTER 17. T.A., "Metrovick, Manchester". T.N., TRAfford Park 2431. Works: SHEFFIELD; MOTHERWELL. London Office: ST. PAUL'S CORNER, 1/3 ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD, E.C.4. T.A., "Multiphase, Cent, London". T.N., CITy 5757. Established 1899 as British Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Electric lamps and lighting.
Trade Name: Metrovick.
Managing Director: I. R. Cox, D.S.O.
Secretary: D. Thomson.
See also Section C.
MIDDLETON & CO. LTD., BOUNDARY ROAD, MIDDLESBROUGH. T.A., Middleton, Middlesbrough 3207". T.N., Middlesbrough 3207 /9 (3 lines). Established 1859. Lampblown laboratory, scientific and medical glassware and apparatus. Managing Director: T. R. Scholfield, Ph.C., M.P.S. Secretary: Miss E. Potter.
MIDLAND GLASS & MARBLE CO. LTD., 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32 THORP STREET, Birmingham 5. T.N., i\IID!and 0538 Established 1911. Processers of glass; mirrors ; glass showcases; shelving. Directors: E. W. Smith; E. Winifred Smith; M. Weston Smith.
MIDLAND SANDBLAST CO. Head Office and Works: 85 HoLLOWAY HEAD, BIRMINGHAM I. T .N., MIDland 6927/8. Works: 29/ 32 MAHSHALL STREET, BIRMINGHAM 1; 9 HOCKLEY STREET, BlllMINCHAM 18. Established 1936. Looking glasses; mirrors, compact, shaving, magnifying, diminishing and anti-dazzle ; microscope slides; goggle glasses; torch glasses; miners' lamp glasses ; advertisement tablets; sign glasses; engraving; sandblasting; silvering, etc. Managing Director: H. B. Joseph.
MILL GLASS WORKS, 84 MILL LANE, WEST HAMPSTEAD, LONDON, N.W.6. T.N., HAMpstead 6470. Established 1911. Stained glass windows; leaded lights. Proprietor: S. G. Hill. Secretary: Mrs. C. A. Bishop.
MILLICAN, BAGULEY & ATKINSON. LTD., 125 NEW BRIDGE STREET, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE I. T.A., "Millican, Newcastle". T.N., Newcastle-upon-Tyne 28383. Established 1946. Stained glass windows. Managing Director: S. M. Scott. Secretary: F. W. Gibbons.
MIRROR & GLASSWARE LTD., NEW ROAD, 1/ i\I/16 TRADING ESTATE, BluDC END, GLA!II. T. ., Bridgend 828. Established 1846. Mirrors of every description. Proprietor: E. Heller.
MODERN ART GLASS CO. LTD., 59/95 BARRACK ROAD, LEEDS 7. T.N. , Leeds 42356 and 48386. Established 1923. Processers of glass. Manufacturers of constructional glass products. Decorated domestic glassware and stemware. Managing Director: H. Wightman. Secretary: S. Firth.
MOON. (W. D.) & SON. 20 CITY ROAD, BRISTOL 2. T.N., Bristol 22813. Established 1853. Artists and craftsmen in stained glass; leaded lights; patent glazing; plate and sheet glass merchants.
MOORE (CHARLES E.), 22 REGENTS PARK TERRACE, OVAL ROAD, LONDON, 1.W.I. T.N., GULliver 1642. Established 1870. Stained and painted glass windows for churches and public buildings.
MORRIS (WILLIAM) & CO., FERRY LANE WoRKs, FoREST RoAD, WALTHAMSTOW, LONDON, E.l7. T.A., "Morisinger, Wait, London". T.N., LARkswood 1055. London Office: HOPE HousE, GREAT PETER SrREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W. I. T.N., ABBey 2393. Ecclesiastical stained glass; leaded lights. Managing Director: H. E. Pollard. Secretary: P. E. Winter.
MOWBRAY (A. R.) & CO. LTD., 28 MARGARET STREET, LoNDoN, w.1. T.A., "Ciergyable, London". T.N., LANgham 28 12/4 (3 lines). Established 1858. Stained glass windows for churches. Directors: F. G. Bryant; F. R. J. Cox; A. N. Hilditch; A. ] . Bryant; R. Cox.
MULBERRY GLASS WORKS LTD. Head Office and Works: 6 CHORLTON ROAD, MANCHESTER 15. T.N., MOSs-side 1173 and 2374. Works: 60 / 62 MULBERRY STREET, MANCHESTER I 5. Established 1932. Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; stained glass; leaded lights; motor-car windscreens. Managing Director: M. Launer.
MULLARD RADIO VALVE CO. LTD. Head Office: CENTURY HOUSE, SHAFTESBURY AVENUE, LONDON, W.C.2. T.A., "Radiovalve, Phone, London" . T.N ., GERrard 7777 (P.B.X.). Works: NEW ROAD, MITCHAM JUNCTION, SURREY. T.A., "Emvalco, Phone, London" . T.N., MITcham 34 71. Established 1920. Lamps (incandescent and discharge); radio valves; cathode-ray tubes; X-ray tubes ; other electronic tubes. Trade Name: Mullard. Directors: S. R. Mullard , M.B.E., M.I.E.E.; Prof. G. W. O. Howe, D.Sc., LL.D, M.I.E.E.; T. E. Goldup, M.I.E.E.; J. D. Stephenson, M.Sc., Ph.D.
MURRAY (S.) & CO. LTD. Head Office and Works: 45 ST. PANCRAS WAY, LONDON, .W. l. T.A., "Depressors, Nonvest, London" . T.N ., EUSton 1757 and 5514. Works: "SAMCO" WORKS, ORIENTAL ROAD, WOKING, SURREY. Established 1915. Lampblown scientific and medical glassware; hydrometers; graduated glassware. Trade Name: Samco. Directors: S. Muntz and E. S. Muntz (Joint Managing); A. Muntz (Secretary); E. Muntz; S. A. Muntz; A. Edelman; G. C. T. Pook.
See Also
Sources of Information