1965 Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Index
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1965 Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Volume 180 Part 1
- Portrait of President, Mr H. Norman G. Allen
- Presidential Address: Ex opera et industria - Mr H. Norman G. Allen
- Pressure drop with lateral mass extraction. Pressure gradients for air flowing along porous tubes with uniform extraction at the walls - G. B. Wallis
- Pressure drop with lateral mass extraction. A simple theory for longitudinal pressure drop in the presence of lateral condensation - R. S. Silver and G. B. Wallis
- Low-endurance fatigue strength of thick-walled cylinders: development of a testing machine and preliminary results - B. A. Austin and B. Crossland
- Six years' operation of cyclone boilers at Thornton power station - R. Carstairs
- Electromagnetic metal forming - K. Baines, J. L. Duncan, and W. Johnson
- Burst strength of rotating discs - N. E. Waldren, M. J. Percy, and P. B. Mellor
- The mechanics of the screw feeder - J. R. Metcalfe
- Characteristics of a two-stroke opposed-piston compression-ignition engine operating at high boost - F. J. Wallace and E. J. Wright
- High speed impact extrusion of metals - B. N. Cole, R. Davies, E. R. Austin, and F. Bakhtar
- The development of the industrial gas turbine - C. Seippel
- High-reliability servos. Development of redundancy techniques for the achievement of highly reliable autocontrol for nuclear reactors - L. A. J. Lawrence
- High-reliability servos. Failure-survival automatic flight control systems for aircraft with particular reference to a high reliability electrohydraulic actuator - R. Ruggles
- High-reliability servos. Servo reliability in the ‘Seacat' missile - P. F. Foreman and J. E. Carrington
- Dynamic indentation of copper and an aluminium alloy with a conical projectile at elevated temperatures - F. U. Mahtab, W. Johnson, and R. A. C. Sharer
- On the dynamics of large turbo-generator rotors - P. G. Monte
- A reassessment of metering orifices for low Reynolds numbers - L. J. Kastner and J. C. McVeigh
- Curing instability ins rotating face seal control system: a case history of the application of control techniques in mechanical engineering - R. D. Tyler and B. J. Cooper
- A platform with six degrees of freedom - D. Stewart
- Fatigue of thick cylinders: further practical information - J. S. C. Parry
- Dynamics analysis of a nuclear boiler - P. K. M'Pherson, G. B. Collins, C. B. Guppy, and A. Summer
- An introduction to the dynamic pressure exchanger - P. H. Anoury
- Flow theory and performance of tangential fans - H. Ilberg and W. Z. Sadeh
- Some observations on the design of spherical pressure vessels with flush cylindrical nozzles - F. A. Leckie and D. y. Payne
- Wire-wool type bearing failures: the formation of the wire wool - P. H. Dawson and F. Fidler
- Friction and wear of unlubricated steel surfaces at speeds up to 655 ft/s - S. W. E. Earths and M. J. Kadhim
- Metering of steam—water two-phase flow by sharp-edged orifices - R. James
- Experience with value analysis as a working tool - H. Davies
- Oil whirl of a rigid rotor in 360° journal bearings: further characteristics - J. R. Mitchell, R. Holmes, and J. Byrne
- Military requirement and employment of engineering equipment - T. H. Egan and E. M. Mackay
- An experimental investigation of the non-steady flow characteristics of a centrifugal compressor - R. S. Benson and A. Whitfield
- The performance and quality control of diesel engine components - R. Towell
- Design and development of Petro-Forge high energy-rate forming machines - L. T. Chan, F. Bakhtar, and S. A. Tobias
- Push—pull low endurance fatigue of En 25 and En 32B steels at 20-C and 450°C - C. T. Mackenzie and P. P. Benham
- The design of fuel elements for gas-cooled nuclear reactors - G. Brown, G. Packman, and J. D. Waters
- The large signal response of a loaded high-pressure hydraulic servomechanism - P. N. Nikiforak and D. R. Westland
- Design and development of a compressed-air driven, counterblow high energy-rate forming machine - I. Marland, A. J. Organ, and S. A. Tobias
- A slip-line field solution for machining with discontinuous chips - W. S. Ho and R. C. Brewer
- Elevated temperature yield and 0.2 per cent proof stress properties of carbon steel plates, with particular reference to the values specified in B.S. 1501:1964 - J. Glen and R. F. Johnson
- Annual report of the Council for the year 1965
- Report of the Annual Meeting, held on 20th April 1966
- Threshold problems in electro-hydraulic servomotors - J. E. Carrington and H. R. Martin
- The behaviour of the impact driver - M. M. Sadek
- Design of thermometer pockets for steam mains - J. E. Roughton
- Mechanical engineering aspects of concrete reactor pressure vessels for Oldbury nuclear power station - R. W. Lakin
- Experimental stress analysis of rails - A. S. Babb
- Hydraulic design of syphons - A. G. Kelly
- Gear conformity and load capacity - M. J. French
- The measurement of film thickness in thrust bearings and the deflected shape of parallel surface thrust pads - E. W. Hemingway
- Thermometric methods of measuring the rate of mass flow - A. A. R. El Agib
- Fracture behaviour of two creep-resistant materials subjected to cyclic loading at elevated temperature - G. P. Tilly
- Elections and transfers of members effected by the Council from September 1965 to July 1966
- Nominated lecture: Nucleation and bubble formation in boiling - P. Griffith
- The Fifty-second Thomas Hawksley Lecture: Noise considerations in the design of machines and factories - E. J. Richards
- The Thirty-eighth Thomas Lowe Gray Lecture: Marine transport of liquefied natural gas - L. J. Clark
- The Second John Player Lecture: Special steels for high temperature service - H. W. Kirkby
- James Clayton Lecture: Engineering and can-making - A. L. Stuchbery
- Lecture delivered to the British Section of the Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de France: Centrifugal compressors for the chemical industry: recent progress - M. Sedille
- Viscount Weir Prize paper 1964: The balancing of flexible turbine and generator rotors - B. P. Last
- London Graduates' and Students' Lecture: The Rance tidal power station project - G. Mauboussin
- Lecture delivered during Summer Meeting 1966: Mechanical engineering in the industries of the North-east - W. W. Campbell
- Lecture delivered during Summer Meeting 1966: Engineering education in the North-east: prospect and retrospect - D. G. Christopherson
- The Twelfth Graham Clark Lecture: The place of the engineer in society - Lord Snow
- Report of Special Meeting, 6th October 1965
- Index to authors and contributors
- Subject index
See Also
Sources of Information