A. E. De Barr

1973 Bio Note [1]
A. E. De Barr, BSc, FInstP, was educated as a physicist and graduated from Leeds University in 1939. His postgraduate research in magnetism stopped in 1940 when he joined the Admiralty Mine Design Department where he worked until 1945.
He then became Research Superintendent at Joseph Sankey & Sons, was later Leader of the Physics Division, Research Laboratories of Elliott Brothers (London) Ltd and then Head of the Spinning Department, Shirley Institute.
He became the first Director of the MTIRA when it was formed in 1961.
Mr De Barr is a Vice-President of the Institute of Physics and has helped actively to develop its educational activities. He serves on the Physics Board and the Committee for Higher Degrees of the CNAA. He has been a member of the Board and Executive Committee of the UK Automation Council, has served on the Mechanical and Production Engineering Committee of the SRC and was until recently Chairman of the Council's Production Engineering Panel.