A. E. Westwood

of 65 New Street, Birmingham. Telephone: Midland 4388. Telegraphic Address: "Wespump, Birmingham"
1937 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. "Westco" Patented Force Feed Oil Cans, made in twenty-two different models, ranging in list price from 3s. (15p) to 12s. (60p). "Wesco" Oil Cabinets with fool-proof pump in four sizes, from 6½ gallons (24.6 lt) to 55 gallons (208.1 lt). (Stand No. D.605) [1]
1939 See Aircraft Industry Suppliers
Note: The company of A. E. Westwood known as Wesco is now in Alcester, Warwickshire, and has its own website.