Sir Arthur Benedict Winder (c1875-1953), general manager and chairman of the English Steel Corporation
1953 Obituary [1]
WE regret to record the death on Friday last, December 11th, of Sir Arthur Benedict Winder at the age of seventy-eight.
Sir Arthur was for many years a well-known figure throughout the steel industry, and at the time of his retirement in 1944 he was general manager and chairman of the English Steel Corporation, Ltd.
Sir Arthur received his early education at Giggleswick School and afterwards studied metallurgy at the Sheffield Technical School, now the Applied Science Department of Sheffield University, where he was awarded the Mappin Medal and Premium for Honours in Metallurgy, and Associateship.
In 1894 he started his industrial career when he entered the Siemens department of Thomas Firth and Sons, Ltd. In this department Sir Arthur eventually rose to first-hand melter, and in 1908, when Jonas and Colver, Ltd., opened a new Siemens plant, he was appointed its manager.
Some ten years later he returned to the employ of Thomas Firth and Sons, Ltd., where he became head of the steel melting department in 1918.
Two years after he was appointed general manager and director of Industrial Steels, Ltd. Sir Arthur held this office until 1932, when the company was acquired by the English Steel Corporation, Ltd.
At the request of Sir Charles Craven, he then joined the English Steel Corporation, Ltd., to become. works manager of all its works in Sheffield. He served as a director of the company from 1934 till 1944, and as its general manager from 1932 till his retirement in 1944.
Sir Arthur Winder was also a director and general manager of the Darlington Forge, Ltd., and a director of Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., and Firth-Vickers Stainless Steels, Ltd.
He was made a Knight Bachelor in 1943.