Aaron Peever
of Newcastle
1741 'We hear that there is lately come to the Hen and Chickens in the Groat Market, Newcastle, Aaron Peever, who has invented a lasting and well contrived Machine for grinding Malt, which in 40 Years will require no repairing, having so small a Friction, and grinds with great Expedition. Likewise sets Brewing Coppers, or Coppers for any other Use, after a new Method, which performs their Operation in one Third of the Time, and less than half the Coals, according to the present Practice. Also Ovens at the Back of Kitchen Fires, which bake more exact and expeditious than any that has yet been made. Likewise rectifies Fire Engines, with his new invented Bars for saving Coals, and raising a greater Steam.'[1]
1744 'This is to give notice that AARON PEEVER and ROBT. DELZIEL have contrived perpetual Ovens, from one to six Foot Diameter, different from any ever used before, which bake all Sorts of Bread to the greatest Perfection. They also make small Ovens in the Sides of Kitchen Chimneys, either with bricks or Iron Plates, and build Stoves for Gentlemens Kitchens, that answer better with common Coal than those now used do with Charcoal. The Gentlemen subscribing, to whom they have wrought, have thought fit to attest the above for the Benefit of the Publick.
Sir WILLIAM MIDDLETON, Bart, of Belsay. Mr ROBERT BULMAN, of Morpeth. RALPH CLAVERING, Esq; of Callely. WILLIAM CARR, Esq; of Esher. HENRY OGLE, Esq; of Causey Park. WILLIAM CHANDLER, Esq; of Gisborough. WALTER BLACKETT, Esq; of Newcastle.
N.B. They set up Coppers to the greatest Perfection, help smoaking Chimneys, cast all Sorts of Brass Work, and Church Bells as well and as cheap as at Loudon, either at their respective Parishes, or at their Shop at the Cross Keys in Pipewelgate, Gateshead.'[2]