Achille Serre

of White Post Lane, Hackney Wick, London, E.
Cleaning and dry cleaning
1877 Established by Achille Serre, who carried on the business until 1889, when his son, Eugene A. Serre, became the principal.
1906 Incorporated as a Limited Company
1914 Directors: Eugene A. Serre, T. C. Palmer, W. S. Argent, J. B. Argent, S. Trevor Prince. Secretary: R. L. Argent. Introduced new system of nettoyage cc sec or dry cleaning into England. Premises: Three large factories in Hackney Wick, covering over three acres. Stall: 900 to 1000 hands. Branches: 110, and over 1,000 Agencies. There are over thirty establishments in the principal districts of London. Specialities: Dyeing, Cleaning, and Finishing of Dress Goods.