Advance Contract Laundries
of Vassall Road, London S.W.9. and The Harrow Laundry, Wealdstone, Middx. (1962)
1928 Advance Laundries was formed as a public company to bring together a number of London laundries (Frederick Hygienic Laundries of Vassal Road) and the Suburban Laundries Ltd to improve the efficiency of the business[1]
1934 British Electric Traction Co guaranteed the increase in capital of Advance Laundries Ltd, and would take up its entitlement[2].
1934 Emerald Laundries Ltd was incorporated
1935 The Name of Emerald Laundries Ltd was changed to Advance Linen Services Ltd
1973 Advance Linen Services Ltd provided Towelmaster cabinets and associated services; its ultimate parent company was British Electric Traction Co [3]
1973 Allowed a 5 percent price rise in Greater London by the Price Commission[4]
1980 Advance Linen Services Ltd was renamed Advance Central Services Ltd
1987 Renamed Initial Services Ltd