Albert Edward Tompkins
Albert Edward Tompkins (1863- )
1922 Engr. Capt., R.N. (Retd.), C.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., Cons. Engr. (Mar. and Mech.) b. 1863; s. of the late John Tompkins, Aveley Hall, Essex. Ed. Private Schs.. Training: Portsmouth, Engr. Student, H.M.S.A "Marlborough." R.N. Coll., Greenwich, 1st Class Certificate and one year's seniority. Career: Served on China, Mediterranean (twice), Australian, Atlantic, Home, and East Indies Stations; Chief Engr. of H.M.S. "Porpoise," during warlike operations in Samoan Islands, 1898-9; Commander, 1901; Instructor in Steam and Mar. Eng., Machine Construction, etc., at R.N. Coll., Greenwich, and Lecturer to the R.N. War Colls., 1902-8; Senior Engr. Officer, East Indies Squadron, 1909-1; Medals and Clasps for Services in Persian Gulf and Somaliland; E.C.D. at Chatham Dockyard, 1911-13; and retired with rank of Engr.-Capt., 1913; started in practice as Cons. Engr.; during War in charge of Emergency Repairs in Clyde District, 1914-17, including about 1,200 vessels; and in Genoa and N.W. Italy, 1917-19; now principally engaged on development of his invention of Dryers and Separators for Boilers (internal to overcome Priming), Steam Service, Compressed Air and Gas Plants. Publ.: "Mar. Eng." (5th Edition), "Turbines " (3rd Edition ), "The Construction and Working of Belleville Boilers," " Priming in Water-Tube Boilers," "The Water-Tube Boilers of the Interim Report," 1898. Address: Little Brookley, Brockenhurst, Hants.