Alfred George White
Alfred George White, M.Inst.C.E.,
Articled pupil and student of engineering at the Yorkshire College.
Was abroad about 17 years engaged on civil engineering, railway and mining undertakings owned by English companies and firms, including the Rio Tinto Co., The Zafra and Huelva Railway Co., Matheson and Co., The United Alkali Co., etc., as Resident Engineer and Manager and from time to time as Consulting Engineer in private practice in London.
1887 of Messrs. Sundheim and Doetsch, Marble Quarries and Works, Huelva, Spain. Joined I Mech E.
1896 of 11 Queen Victoria Street, London
WWI Engaged by contractors in Westminster on Admiralty and War Office engineering work, including construction of munition works, port works and steel works.
1922 Consulting Engineer, 5, Bucklersbury, E.C.4.