Alfred W. G. Wilson
Alfred W. G. Wilson (1873- )
1922 A.M., Ph.D., F.G. S.A., Industrial Development (Chemico—Metallurgical ); Chief Engr., Metal Mines Division, Mines Branch; b. 1873; s. of Richard Wilson and Mary A. Wilson, née Kingston. Ed. and Training: Universities of Toronto and Harvard, Columbia Sch. of Mines, and McGill University. Career: Geological and Topographical Exploration for Canadian Government and private organisations; Private practice, as Consultant in Eng. Geology; Government Investigator in Metal Min.; Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals; development of Chemical Industries; Reports on Min. Developments and Reports on Industrial Developments based on Raw Mineral Products. Offices Held: Tech. Adviser to the War Trade Bd., Canada; Special Investigator on the Development of the Chemical Industries in Canada. Life M., Geol. Soc. Amer.; Life M.Am.Inst.M.M.; Life M.I.M.M., London; Professional M. Canadian Inst.M.M. Publ.: "Pyrites and Its Uses," "Copper Smelting Industries of Canada," "On the Production of Spelter in Canada," "Development of Chemical and Metallurgical Industries of Canada" (in Press ). Club: Engrs.', Toronto, Ontario. Address: 182, Centre Street, Ottawa, Canada. T. N.: Carlisy 213o.