Alistair Mcleod
Alistair Mcleod (c1900-1958), editor of metallurgy periodicals
1958 Obituary [1]
WE have learned with deep regret of the death of Mr. Alastair McLeod, which occurred at Ruislip last Friday, January 3. Mr. McLeod, who was fifty-eight, was well known as a technical journalist whose special interest was in the ferrous and non-ferrous metal industries. For over twenty years he had served on the staff of Industrial Newspapers, Ltd., and, at the time of his death, was head of the metallurgical editorial staff of the group.
Alastair McLeod was born in Edinburgh and received his metallurgical training in Scottish steel works. Thereafter he worked for several years for Frederick Braby and Co., Ltd., in Glasgow, and for other sheet steel rollers in Scotland. The experience thereby gained and added to during the subsequent years of his career led to Mr. McLeod being regarded as one of this country's acknowledged authorities on rolling mill practice.
McLeod left the land of his birth and came to London in 1937 to join Industrial Newspapers, Ltd., as editor of Sheet Metal Industries. Subsequently he became managing editor of that journal and of Metal Finishing Journal and Metal Treatment and Drop Forging, and chief metallurgical editor of Iron and Coal Trades Review.
There were numerous services rendered to metallurgy by Mr. McLeod in addition to his work for the journals with which he was associated. He was a Fellow of the Institution of Metallurgists, and a member of the Iron and Steel Institute, the Institute of Metals, the Institute of Welding, the Institute of British Foundrymen, the Institution of Production Engineers, and of the Refractories Association of Great Britain.
In the course of his work, Mr. McLeod travelled extensively not only throughout this land, but also on the Continent of Europe, where he was very well known in metallurgical circles. One country, we believe, which he had never visited was the U.S.A. For some years, Mr. McLeod had been a member of the Electrochemical Society and of the American Association of Iron and Steel Engineers, and it was a great disappointment to him that he was unable to visit Pittsburgh last year to present in person, at the annual convention of the latter association, a paper which he prepared on "The Technical and Economic Position of European Steel Making To-day." Frequently, at technical meetings and works visits, it was our pleasure to meet Alastair McLeod. He was an able metallurgist and a capable writer. Moreover he was a genial and kindly soul. We know that in technical journalism and in the metallurgical industries, there are many who share our regret at his death.