Ambrose Edmund Butler
Ambrose Edward Butler (1816-1883)
1816 Born son of Thomas Butler, iron master, and his wife Ann
1856 of the Kirkstall Forge Co
1883 August 16th. Died
1884 Obituary [1]
AMBROSE EDMUND BUTLER was born at Kirkstall Forge in 1816, and died at his residence, Kepstorn, Kirkstall, on 16th August 1883, at the age of sixty-seven.
He was brought up to the iron trade at those works, which had been carried on by his family since 1779; and in 1841 he entered into the partnership, of which he continued an active member till his death.
He did not himself enter into the mechanical engineering part of the business, which was conducted by his brother, the late Mr. J. O. Butler; but confined himself to the iron manufacturing department, which under his care increased very largely. He introduced the rolled shafting that requires no turning, with which the name of Kirkstall Forge is now so thoroughly identified.
He became a Member of the Institution in 1856.