Anderson Rodger
Anderson Rodger (c1841-1909) of A. Rodger and Co
Obituary 1909 [1]
. . . of the shipbuilding and engineering firm of Messrs. A. Rodger and Co., Port-Glasgow and Govan. Deceased, who was in his sixty-eighth year . . . When Russell and Co commenced business in Port-Glasgow some thirty years ago they bad only a small yard in the east end of the town, with accommodation to build three ships of average carrying capacity, and in conducting this Joseph Russell was after a time joined by Mr. Rodger . . . The firm's business grew rapidly, and some years later, having meantime acquired by lease the Port-Glasgow graving dock, the firm took over the shipyard in Main-street, Greenock, formerly owned by J. E. Scott, and now occupied by the Greenock and Grangemouth Dockyard Co . . . in the early seventies the firm acquired the favourable site at Kingston, half-way between Port-Glasgow and Greenock . . . the firm of Russell and Co occupied the leading position in the annual returns of tonnage output.
In 1894, on the voluntary retirement from practical connection with shipbuilding of Mr. Joseph Russell, the east end yard was taken over by Mr. Rodger, while Mr. Lithgow remained sole partner at Kingston until his death on June 7th last year.
Of the three partners, Mr. Russell alone now survives. Under the designation of A. Rodger and Co., and with James H. Hutchinson as partner, a successful shipbuilding business has since been carried on in the East Bay Yard, Port-Glasgow, while some years ago. Mr. Rodger acquired, and re-established a marine engineering business in Helen-street, Govan, with E. Hall-Brown as managing co-partner.