Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Co
of 16, Finsbury Circus, London, E.C.2
1912 Business established
1917 Name changed from Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Products Company to Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Company.[1]
1917 Became a member of the Pool Board, set up by the government to control distribution of petroleum products[2].
1919 Supplier of asphalt products for road surfacing
1921 The existing organisations for sale of petrol in the UK previously represented by the Shell Marketing Company Ltd and Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Co Ltd were combined from 1 January 1921 as Shell-Mex Ltd[3]
1922 Directors: H. Colijn (Chairman), R. P. Brousson, H. J. Carr, Sir R. W. Cohen, K.B.E., A. S. Debenham, N. Gulbenkian, F. Lane, J. H. Macdonald, Lieut.-Col. Sir A. H. McMahon, G.C.M.G., K.C.S.I., Hon. B. C. Pearson, J. Purdy, Capt. W. H. Samuel, M.C. Sec. C. H. M. C. Wilson. Products.—Crude oil, fuel oil, by-products, etc.