Angus Charles Marjoribanks Maitland

Angus Charles Marjoribanks Maitland (1887-1986)
1887 Born in Ceylon the son of George Keith Maitland
1901 Boarder at Beaumont College, Windsor.[1]
1904 Climbed the Matterhorn
1905 Designed a car produced by Robinson and Hole
Reputedly a motorcycling champion
1908 Mentioned. Angus Charles Maitland, of Bournemouth, driving a motor car too fast.[2]
1911 Living at Gorse Mount, Grayshott, Haslemere, Surrey: Theresa Mary Maitland (age 60 born Inverness-shire), Widow. With her son Angus C. Maitland (age 24 born Bogowantalawa, Ceylon), Motor garage proprietor - Own account. Two servants.[3]
1914 Mentioned. Angus Charles Maitland and John Joseph Hugh Locksdale, motor engineers.[4]
Married Mary Bridgid O'Callaghan daughter of Thomas O'Callaghan of Claremorris
Opened Beacon Hill Motor Works
Later an engineer at Westland Aircraft
1946 Patent. Charles Marjoribanks Maitland and Eric Dudley Bannister, Yeovil, England, assignors to Westland Aircraft. Pressure release valve.[5]