Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Appleby Brothers

From Graces Guide


January 1866.
1867. Steam crane.
1868. Locomotive Cotton Press.
1868. Duplex Winch at the St Pancras Station.
1868. Wilson's patent locomotive cotton press for India.
April 1870.
January 1872.
February 1872.
June 1872.
June 1872.
1873. Steam Crane at The Vienna Exhibition.
1873. Overhead travelling cranes at Middlesbrough Dock.
1876. Portable Steam Crane designed for railway work dealing with loads up to 3 tons.[1]
1876. Portable Steam Crane designed for dealing with loads up to 5 tons. [2]
January 1880.


June 1880.
1885.20-Ton Overhead Crane Grab.
January 1888.
Overhead crane at the Museum of the Great Western Railway, Swindon




Tower Cranes.
Crane No.1. 1861-68.
Appleby's steam crane No.2, 1861-68.
'Airds' crane No.3, 1863-68.
1909. 100-ton crane.
1909. Goliath crane at Melilla.
1910. 100 Ton giant crane at the engine works of George Clark.

Appleby Brothers or Applebys of Emerson Street, S.E., London; Southwark, London, and Greenwich.

Manufacturers of steam cranes, dredgers, brick making machinery, steam crabs, pile drivers, pumps, portable and stationary engines.

1858 Charles James Appleby set up business in London; he was joined about a year later by his brother Thomas Hodgson Appleby

1866 The works moved to East Greenwich.

1867 Constructed a steam fire-engine for use on the Mystery under the direction of Mr. Edward A. J. Buckland; the engine would be capable of delivering 500 gallons/minute to a height of 150ft.[3]

1871 Supplied a 2' 8" gauge railway locomotive for Mr Robert Campbell's Buscot Park Estate [4]

1871 Employing 30 persons [5]

1870s Joseph Jessop, an engineer in Leicester specialising in cranes, became a partner in Leicester with Charles James Appleby, and Thomas Hodgson Appleby as Engineers and Millwrights, under the style or firm of Joseph Jessop, at the London Steam Crane and Engine Works, Leicester. [6]

1876 T. H. Appleby left the partnership with his brother, as Engineers, at Emerson-street, Southwark, Surrey, under the style or firm of Appleby Brothers. Charles James Appleby carried on the business under the same style of Appleby Brothers[7]

1879 Illustrations and description of an iron lattice girder viaduct across the Nile at Kohé, about 1170 miles from Alexandria. It carried the 3ft 6" gauge track of the Soudan Railway. Designed by John Fowler [8] [9]

1880 Jessop split from the Appleby brothers and set up his own business in Leicester as Joseph Jessop and Son

1883 Made a beam pumping engine for Goulburn Waterworks, New South Wales. Still in steamable condition [10]

1889 Gold Mining Plant for Cerro de Pasco, Transvaal. (Appleby and Co of Greenwich) [11]

c.1898 Appleby Brothers was amalgamated with Joseph Jessop and Sons, trading as Jessop and Appleby Brothers

1900 Electrically worked jib crane for dockside unloading

c.1908 Jessop and Appleby Brothers amalgamated with the Glasgow Electric Crane and Hoist Co and the Temperley Transporter Co, trading as Applebys[12]

1908 Appleby's Ltd of Glasgow, Leicester and London, were commissioned to provide the crane for a floating crane being constructed by Vickers, Sons and Maxim for harbour of Montreal. Also supplying a crane for the fitting out basin of Yarrow and Co at Scotstoun[13].

1910 Appleby's Ltd went into voluntary liquidation, to be refinanced under the name The Appleby Crane and Transporter Co Ltd. Later that year the company was taken over by Messrs Arrol[14]. The Leicester works was sold by Arrol in 1912 [15]

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. Philadelphia international exhibition catalogue, 1876. British section
  2. Philadelphia international exhibition catalogue, 1876. British section
  3. The Engineer 1867/09/27
  4. Engineering 20th January 1871, p.43
  5. 1871 Census for THA
  6. London Gazette 16 April 1880
  7. London Gazette 11 Jan 1878
  8. [1] Engineering, 15 Aug 1879, pp.132-3
  9. [2] Engineering, 22 Aug 1879 pp.144-5
  10. [3]Goulburn Waterworks Museum website
  11. The Engineer of 15th Feb 1889 p133
  12. The Engineer 1900/03/23 p348
  13. The Times, 12 February 1908
  14. The Times, Aug 02, 1911
  15. 'Railway Breakdown Cranes - The Story of Steam Breakdown Cranes on the Railways of Britain - Volume 1' by Peter Tatlow, Noodle Books, ISBN 978-1-906419-69-1
  • British Steam Locomotive Builders by James W. Lowe. Published in 1975. ISBN 0-905100-816