Archibald John Sproston
Archibald John Sproston (c1891-1924)
ca.1891 Born in Hampstead
1905 Archibald John Sproston, of 18, St. John's-road, Tunbridge-wells. was summoned for driving a motor cycle at an excessive speed.[1]
1911 Staying in the Railway Bell hotel in Tunbridge Wells: Archibald J. Sproston (age 20 born Hampstead), Private means.[2]
1912 Patent. "Stand for side car attached to cycles"
1924 Married at St. Pancras to Marie L. Bird
1924 December 24th. Died in air crash with his wife, uncle and a number of passengers - a total of eight plus the crew - when their aeroplane crashed near Croydon airport. '...the terrible disaster which overtook the London to Paris aeroplane on Christmas Eve, when eight lives were lost. The machine left the Croydon Aerodrome shortly after noon on Wednesday, but within few minutes it was charred wreck lying on the top of Castle Hill, which is only about a minute's flight from the Aerodrome. When the aeroplane crashed, the petrol tanks apparently-burst and the whole of the passengers were killed...'[3]
1924 December 30th. Inquest. Described as a Motor Engineer and nephew of George Sproston (age 76), a retired fish salesman, who also died in the crash. Marie Sproston also killed.[4]