Arthur John Fuller
Arthur John Fuller (1870-1946)
1946 Obituary [1]
ARTHUR JOHN FULLER was born at Brighton on the 10th January, 1870, and died at Saltdean on the 14th February, 1946. At the age of 16 he left Brighton Technical College and began his professional career with the House-to-House Electricity Supply Co. (later renamed Brompton and Kensington Electricity Supply Co.). At Brompton he was brought into constant contact with Robert Hammond, who, recognizing his outstanding abilities, offered him a position on his staff (1890). In this position he was associated with Hammond in the layout and erection of, among others, the electricity undertakings at Wakefield, Newport, St. Helens, Blackpool, Leeds and Ayr, and was entrusted with the erection of the plant and laying of cables. In 1897 he entered municipal service as Burgh Electrical Engineer to the Ayr Corporation. He designed and carried out extensions at Ayr and also acted as consultant for the equipment of the Ayr Corporation Electric Tramways.
In 1903 he was appointed Borough Electrical Engineer at Fulham, and from that date the undertaking made remarkable and steady progress. He acted as consultant for the various extensions of plant in the old Fulham station and in 1929 was appointed Joint Consulting Engineer with Preece, Cardew and Rider in the design and erection of the Fulham base-load generating station. During the 1914-18 War he was a District Engineer of the Metropolitan Munitions Board and served as a member of special committees set up by the Home Office. After the war he was appointed a member of the Ministry of Labour Arbitrations Board. His professional activities included the secretaryship of District Council Area No. 10 (employers' side) and of the Wages Conference. He also served on a number of committees of the E.R.A. and of the B.S.I. He retired from the service of the Borough Council in 1935, but continued to act as Joint Consulting Engineer in connection with the new power station until October, 1936; and his services were retained for a period of two years from the date of his retirement as a consultant adviser for the whole of the Fulham undertaking.
He was a great engineer and a great man, esteemed by every-one for his ability and his kindliness.
He became a Member of The Institution in 1912. He was also a Past-President of the Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association and of the Associated Municipal Electrical Engineers, and a member of the Council of The Institute of Fuel.