Arthur John Whalley
Arthur John Whalley (1832-1876)
1877 Obituary [1]
ARTHUR JOHN WHALLEY was born on 16th December 1832 at Kington, Herefordshire; and about 1852, after spending a few years in Australia, he returned to England and studied engineering in London under Mr. Hyde.
He then went out to India, having obtained an appointment in Calcutta, and was engaged two years as an assistant engineer on the works of the East Indian Railway.
He was afterwards employed about two years at Sydney and Melbourne, on the surveys of the Maitland and Morpeth Railway, and the Muswellbrook Cassilis and Mudjee Railway; and then for two years in Mauritius under Mr. Longridge in the construction of the Mauritius Railways.
He was next engaged for about two years in works on the Zuyderzee, Amsterdam, and afterwards in Monte Video, South America, for about two years.
Returning to England about 1868 he undertook the superintendence of the iron mines near Truro belonging to the Agra Bank.
His death took place in London on 18th January 1876 in the 44th year of his age.
He became a Member of the Institution in 1874.