Arthur Seligman
Arthur Seligman (1882-1940)
1940 Obituary [1]
Arthur Seligman, a Member of the Institute since 1923, died suddenly on May 8, 1940, at his home in New York City.
Mr. Seligman was born in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, in 1882. In his native town he served his apprenticeship to the metal trade, and, going to the United States of America in 1905, he conducted a general business in non-ferrous metals on behalf of German principals - severing this connection a few years later.
In due course he became a naturalized American and was appointed manager of the New York office of the British Aluminium Co., Ltd.
Subsequently he founded the firm of Arthur Seligman and Co., Inc. (of which he was President), an organization acting as the sole distributors in the United States of America of the products of the British Aluminium Co., Ltd. Mr. Seligman's long association with the aluminium industry in America entitled him to be considered the "Doyen of the Importers." He was widely known in non-ferrous metals circles in the States, and very highly respected by everyone with whom he came in contact.
In his private life he was equally well held in high esteem and took a deep interest in numerous charitable institutions. -J. C. JONES.