Ashe Laboratories

of 120-122 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, SW1. Telephone: Victoria 6781-6 (6 lines). Cables: "Ashetree, London"
of 225 Bath Road, Slough (1989)
1947 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair.
- Manufacturers of "Bandbox" Hair and Toilet Preparations, "Ashetree" Pharmaceutical Preparations, Amino Acids and Biological Chemicals. Essences and Flavouring Compounds. "Vamoose", "Banshee" and "Gitstick" Insecticides, "Vol-o-Pep" Motoring Chemicals and Products, "Tomatizer" Tomato Fertilizer. (Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. A.1339) and
- Manufacturers of Scientific Rodent and Insect Control Service Featuring Fly-Proofing. "Vamoose" Insecticide Powder in Puffer Container. "Gitstick" Concentrated Crayon Insecticide. "Rantu" the New Tracking Poison for Rats. "Banshee" Insecticides, etc. (Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. A.1188) [1].
1954 Ashe Chemical's shares were quoted on London Stock Exchange.
1955 Patent - Improvements in or relating to containers having compartments for dissimilar materials. [2]
1955 Amplex
1958 Acquired Sherley range of pet foods and medicines from Aspro-Nicholas[3].
1963 Ashe Chemical, through its wholly owned subsidiary Ashe Laboratories, acquired Edwards Harlene Co Ltd, maker of hair care products[4].
1965 Plans to acquire 3 privately owned manufacturing chemists; talks with Aspro-Nicholas about exchange of some trademarks[5].
1970 Acquired the chemical division of Eugene Ltd[6].
1970 Sold Vims dog biscuits business to F. C. Lowe and Son; compensate Molassine Co for ending its contract to make dog food; acquired Oko Laboratories[7].
1972 Ashe Chemical of Leatherhead was acquired by International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT)[8].
c.1989 Merger with Nicholas Kiwi of Australia to form Nicholas Laboratories[9].