of London
1889 J. Bennett formed his business, supplying fishmongers outside London with fish, etc
1929 Public company incorporated to carry on the business of fishmongers by acquiring J. Bennett (Billingsgate) Ltd [1][2]
Later became much involved in fishing, having a fleet of trawlers as well as fish processing.
1957 Formed Eskimo Foods to bring together its 2 subsidiaries dealing in frozen foods[3]
1963 Merger of frozen food interests: Fropax, Frood and Eskimo. Associated Fisheries acquired a 20 percent interest in Glacier Foods and held 20 percent of the equity in Fropax; Union International Co continued to control Fropax; J Lyons continued to control Glacier Foods; Fropax acquired Eskimo Foods[4]
1960s Associated had the largest British fishing fleet
1969 The Ross fishing fleet was acquired by British United Trawlers by a merger with Associated Fisheries organised by the Industrial Reorganisation Corporation on 2 April 1969 (Ross had tried to buy the company in 1961 and 1965 and was rejected by the Monopolies Commission in May 1966).[5]
1990 Geest merged its fish processing activities with those of Associated Fisheries as Macfish[6]
1992 Both partners planned to sell their joint venture, Macfish, making a significant loss[7]