Aubrey Brock
Aubrey Brock (1842-1896)
1896 Obituary [1]
AUBREY BROOK died on November 28, 1895, at Mentone, after a brief illness.
Born at Swansea in 1842, he was educated at the Swansea Grammar School, and at University College, London. He subsequently studied in Germany, and the knowledge of chemistry he acquired there proved of great value to him when, in 1879, he entered his father's business; his father, Mr. G. B. Brock, having, on the death of Mr. Nicholas Bowen, become sole owner of the firm of N. B. Allen & Co., Dinas Silica Brick manufacturers, of Hirwain and Neath, Glamorganshire, and of 110 Cannon Street, London.
Mr. Brock was elected a member of the Iron and Steel Institute in 1880.