Autocars and Accessories
of 42 Martell Road, Dulwich
1903 The first Weller automobile was presented at the Crystal Palace motor show in 1903; it was a 20-hp touring car. The Weller Brothers planned to produce an advanced 20-hp car. However, Portwine, their financial backer, thought the car would be too expensive to produce and encouraged Wellers to design and produce a little, delivery 3-wheeler. Weller did so, called it the Auto-Carrier and a new company was founded and named Autocars and Accessories
1904 Production started in 1904. The three-wheel vehicle caught on quickly and was a financial success. This used a single cylinder engine and had tiller steering.
1907 Formation of Auto Carriers Ltd.[1]
1907 A passenger version appeared, it was called the Auto-Carrier Sociable. It had a seat in place of the cargo box.
1911 Directory lists them as Auto Carriers Ltd. 42 Martell Road, Dulwich, London SE and as motor manufacturers. [2]