Bangalore Gurusamy Appadurai Mudaliar
Bangalore Gurusamy Appadurai Mudaliar (c1891-1951)
1951 Obituary [1]
"BANGALORE GURUSAMY APPADURAI MUDALIAR, B.Sc. Tech., spent the whole of his professional career in the service of the Government of Mysore.
After qualifying for the degree of B.A. at Madras University he continued his studies at the Manchester Municipal College of Technology, where he graduated B.Sc. Tech., in 1917. His apprenticeship was served between 1916 and 1918 at the Gorton works of the Great Central Railway and with the Metropolitan-Vickers Company, Ltd., Manchester, from 1918 to 1920.
He then returned to India and was appointed superintendent in the industrial workshops of the Public Works Department of the Government of Mysore. Two years later he received the appointment of industrial engineer with entire charge, as superintendent, of the central workshops. In addition he took over the duties of research engineer to the department and acted as adviser on all technical matters to the director, whom he eventually succeeded in office as director of industries and commerce. Mr. Mudaliar, who had been an Associate Member of the Institution since 1930, died on 14th March 1951 in his sixtieth year."