Battersea Iron Works
1857 Partnership changed. '...any Partnership heretofore subsisting between the undersigned, John Kirkham and Nathaniel Symons, of the Battersea Iron Works, Bridge-road, Battersea, in the county of Surrey, Ironfounders, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent ; and in future the business of the Battersea Iron Works will be carried on by the undersigned John Kirkham,...'[1]
1880 Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, Daniel Fortin Warner, and William Lee, lately carrying on business at the Battersea Iron Works. Queen's road, Battersea, in the county of Surrey, and at No. 46, Fish-street hill, in the city of London, as Engineers, has been dissolved...'[2]
1881 See Lee and Smith
1881 Premise offered for sale. '...All those leasehold engineering premises, known as the Battersea Iron Works, situate in the Queen's-road, Battersea, together with the whole of the plant, stock, tools, &c.: — Comprising 8 horse-power engine boiler, numerous laths, planning, drilling, slotting, shaping, and other machines, drawings, patterns, quantity of the usual tools, bar iron, steel, and sundries....'[3]