Benjamin Whitehouse

of London and West Bromwich
Steam Engine Boiler Makers
c.1812 Born in Sedgley
1833 Partnership of "John Pool Horton and Benjamin Whitehouse, of West Bromwich, in the county of Stafford, Boiler and Gasometer Manufacturers, under the firm of Horton and Whitehouse, is this day dissolved by mutual consent"[1] (can this be the same person based on his age?)
1836 "HARVELL's HAWTHORN BOILER WORKS. WEST BROMWICH. BENJAMIN WHITEHOUSE, Successor to the late Mr. Isaac ... begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has purchased the Stock and ..."[2]
1849 Benjamin Whitehouse was the successor to Isaac Horton, manufacturer of wrought iron engine boilers, gas holders, ships tanks, of Harvell's Hawthorn, West Bromwich.[3]
1851 Benjamin Whitehouse 39, Boiler manufacturer, coal master, employing 70 men, lived in West Bromwich[4]
1861 Benjamin Whitehouse 51, Boiler and gas holder maker, lived in West Bromwich[5]
succeeded by Daniel Howard