Bernard Calwoodley Gardiner
Bernard Calwoodley Gardiner (1879- )
1922 Major and Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, R.M.L.I., C.B., M.I.E.E., Wireless Telegraphist, S. Alban's Priory, Wallingford; b. 1879; s. of Canon W. Gardiner, B.D. Ed. Marlborough College and Naval Electrical Training Establishment. Qualified at the Naval War Staff College; joined Royal Marine Light Infantry in 1897; Senior Instructor in Wireless Telegraphy at Naval Wireless School for boys; the Senior Instructor at the Principal Naval Wireless Establishment. Attached Royal Engineers. Afterwards Senior Instructor in Wireless Telegraphy at the Army School of Military Engineering, Chatham. Head of Wireless Section in the Communication Division, Admiralty. Member of the United Service Club. War Services.—Wireless Officer on staff of Lord Jellicoe in H.M.S. " Iron Duke," and afterwards transferred to H.M.S. " Queen Elizabeth " as Fleet Wireless Officer, Grand Fleet, on the staff of Earl Beatty.