Bernard Hardesty Brown
Bernard Hardesty Brown (1882-1969)
1922 M.I.Mech.E., Mech. Eng. Ed. The University (Faculty of Eng.), Sheffield. Pupil John Brown and Co., Ltd., Sheffield; Head Draughtsman, afterwards Manager, Bateman's Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Leeds; Works Manager, Thomas Shanks and Co., Johnstone, Scotland; now Manager, Associated British Machine Tool Makers, Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Address: "Springfield," Beverley Gardens, Cullercoats, Northumberland. T. A.: "Britoolmak, Newcastle-on-Tyne." T. N.: Central 2183.
1939 M.I. Mech.E. Mech. Engr., Manager of Associated British Machine Tool Makers, Ltd., 47, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1. Private address: Springfield, Beverley Gardens, Cullercoats, Northumberland. Career: Eng. pupil with John Brown & Co., Ltd., Sheffield; Draughtsman, then Chief Draughtsman, then Works Manager to The Bateman Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Leeds.; Works Manager to Thos. Shanks & Co., Johnstone, Renfrewshire. Ex-Chairman, North-Eastern Branch of the Institution of Mech. Engrs., and Member of Council, 1935/6.
1939 Mech. Engr., Manager of Associated British Machine Tool Makers, Ltd., 47, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1. Private address: Springfield, Beverley Gardens, Cullercoats, Northumberland.
Career: Eng. pupil with John Brown & Co., Ltd., Sheffield; Draughtsman, then Chief Draughtsman, then Works Manager to The Bateman Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Leeds.; Works Manager to Thos. Shanks & Co., Johnstone, Renfrewshire. Ex-Chairman, North-Eastern Branch of the Institution of Mech. Engrs., and Member of Council, 1935/6.