Bishopstrow Iron Footbridge

in Bishopstrow, near Warminster
This is a small iron footbridge dating from the first half of the 19thC. Approx 20 ft span.
There are two cast arch ribs, each assembled from four cast iron segments, bolted together. Photos 3 & 4 show the lapped bolted joint between segments.
The deck is formed of 40 ribbed cast iron plates bolted to ledges on the arch ribs (see photo 3). Photo 6 shows that cast projections to aid grip on the top of the deck plate have largely worn away towards the middle, and rivets have been added to compensate.
It appears that some of the short pillars (between the taller ones supporting the handrails) are relatively recent replacements. In fact it is not clear whether the short pillars are original features.
A public footpath runs from the south side of St Aldhelm's Church and heads NNE, crossing the iron footbridge over the former mill leat, then crossing the River Wylye close to the old mill.