Blake Boiler, Wagon and Engineering Co

of Alliance Works, Darlington.
1907 'The Blake Boiler, Wagon, and Engineering Company Limited—who some time ago took over the Nestfield works of the now defunct Darlington Waggon and Engineering Company have, just lately received the important order for eighty high-capacity freight waggons, required by the Catalinas Warehouse and Mole Company, of Buenos Ayres.'[1]
1922 Of Alliance Works, Darlington. Manufactured railway wagons, wheels and axles, and multitubular boilers.
1930 The works that ".... originally belonged to the Blake Boiler Co., and passed into the bands of Messrs. J. Birdsall and Co., of Leeds, who stripped the machinery." The works were taken over by the Darlington Rustless Iron and Steel Co[2]
Presumably became part of Metropolitan Cammell Carriage, Wagon and Finance Co as in 1949 Liquidators appointed at the same time as other subsidiaries in the successor company[3]