Bluemel Brothers

Bluemels of Wolston, Coventry, Cycle Accessories and Motor Accessories Manufacturers
1860 Charles A. Bleumel set up business in the East End of London making umbrella sticks
Late 1890s C. W. Bluemel and his brothers started making cycle accessories - C. W. Bluemel and Brothers (see advert)
Early 1900s they moved the business to Coventry.
1913 Became public company - Bluemel Brothers
1914 Cycle and Motor Accessories Manufacturer. Specialities: celluloid cycle pumps, handles, mudguards, gear gases, dress guards, sparking plugs and accumulators for motors. Employees 550. [1]
1914 Managing Directors: Charles William Bluemel, Ernest Adolphus Bluemel and Frank Henry Bluemel.
1927 Stand 226 at the 1927 Motor Cycle and Cycle Show at Olympia
1961 Manufacture cycle and motor accessories, plastic mouldings, name plates and signs, plastic, patented "Firmoid" coverings for wood and metal. [2]
1963 Motor Show exhibitor. Accessories. [3]