Bradford Technical College

1896 The workshops of the college were described in some detail in Engineering 1896/01/17, from which:
'The general supervision and direction of the workshop is vested in the head master, Mr. G. F. Charnock, and as instructors in each of the branches named, skilled workmen of many years’
experience in engine shops of the highest standing
were selected, Mr. J. Warburton being instructor
in turning and machine work, with W. Denby
as assistant instructor, Mr. E. Exley in fitting, and
Mr. E. Hewitt in wood-working and patternmaking. ..... Since the opening of the department there have
been made in this way : Three 6-in. centre foot-lathes, one 10 in. by 20 in. horizontal engine, five
14 in. by 16 in. special high-speed horizontal engines (one of which is driving the extensive
works of the Bradford Coffee Tavern Company, Limited), six 7½-in. centre self-acting slide surfacing
and screw-cutting lathes, two warehouse hoists with
worm gearing, one direct-acting steam pump with
5-in. ram, two 8½-in. centre self-acting lathes, and
two 10-in. centre wood-turning lathes, in addition to
the various tools for use in the department as previously mentioned, and work for extensions of
other departments of the college, such as shafting
and gearing, friction clutches, &c. The whole of
the work, except the castings and large forgings, is
done in the college, and thus students have an
opportunity of studying every point in the construction, from start to finish. ....'
1896 Description and drawings of the mechanical testing machine and laboratory [2][3][4]