Bristol Aircraft

of Cardiff
1954 The Bristol Aeroplane Co bought all the shares of Macdonald Brothers Aircraft Ltd., of Winnipeg, Canada, which is mainly engaged on aircraft repairs and the manufacture of sheet metal parts for gas turbines[1]
1955 Bristol Aircraft Ltd was one of 3 subsidiary companies formed by Bristol Aeroplane Co; this one concentrated on aircraft and the aim was principally to accelerate production of the Britannia aircraft[2]
1955 Bristol Aircraft (Western) took over the assets and liabilities and business of MacDonald Brothers, Aircraft[3]
1957 W. Strachan was general manager of the Western Division.
1960 Private Company formed - subsidiary of British Aircraft Corporation
1960 Provided system sales organisation for Bloodhound missile
1961 Aircraft and guided weapons designers and manufacturers, producing the "Britannia" airliner and "Blood-hound" guided missile. 8,000 employees.
1964 Became one of the 4 operating divisions of British Aircraft Corporation[4]