British Benzol and Coal Distillation
of Leadenhall St, London
1928 Public company formed to build a coal distillation plant, to the design of Woodall-Duckham Vertical Retort and Oven Construction Co. (1920) Ltd, with a benzol rectification plant, on a site leased from the Bedwas Navigation Colliery Co (1921) Ltd which company had agreed to supply coal to the plant. The company would supply coke, motor spirit and other oils[1]
1929 December: first product from the new plant; all of the motor spirit had been sold a year ahead[2]
1931 Production of iron and steel had been depressed so the demand for coke had been very low in the past year but was starting to pick up by year end[3]
1959 Henry Briggs Son and Co (Trust) offered to acquire the company[4]
1970 Was a subsidiary of British Benzol Carbonising Ltd[5]