British Crown Assurance Corporation
Chief Offices: London, 110, Cannon Street, E.C.; Glasgow, 183, West George Street.
Established in 1907. Incorporated as a Limited Company, April, 1907.
1914 Directors: The Rt. Hon. J. Parker Smith, of Jordanhill, Glasgow (Chairman), Claud A. Allan, ex-Provost R. K. Bell (of Paisley), John Cowan, D.L., D. H. Macdonald, Alexander Mackay, C.A., and Robert Sutherland, of Southbar, Renfrewshire. General Manager: D. W. Maclennan. Secretary: John R. Fleming, C.A. Branch Offices: Aberdeen; Belfast; Birmingham; Bristol; Cardiff; Dundee; Edinburgh; Leeds; Lincoln; Liverpool; Manchester; Newcastle-on-Tyne; Nottingham; Preston; Bournemouth. Business: Fire Insurance, Burglary Insurance, Employers' Liability Insurance, Accident and Disease Insurance, Fidelity Guarantee. Authorised Capital: £500,000. Subscribed Capital: £250,000. Paid up: £100,000.