Burford and Van Toll of Orleans Works, Twickenham
1900 Paris Exhibition. Showed the New Orleans, a small carriage driven by a 3.5 hp oil engine and two speeds.[1] [2]
1900 Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, Frederick Arnold Rodewald, Henry George Burford, and Johannes Van Toll, carrying on business as Engineers, Cycle and Motor Car Makers, under, the style or firm of "Burford, Van-Toll and Co," at Twickenham, in the county of Middlesex, has been, dissolved by mutual consent ...'[3]
became New Orleans Motor Co/Orleans Motor Co
Johannes Van Toll was a Dutchman who moved to England in the mid-1890s and in 1900 founded the Thames Valley Motor Co. Ltd, who produced the New Orleans car. The car, based on the Belgian Vivinus car, was built at the Orleans Works, originally on the corner of Chapel and Orleans Roads and later at Sherland Road.<ref[1] Twickenham Museum website</ref<
Early Registrations