Burys and Co

Burys and Co Ltd. of Regent Works, Sheffield.
formerly Bedford, Bury and Co
1875 Exhibited at Manchester Exhibition tools of various types including chisels, gouges, axes, files, saws, hammers.
1882 Burys and Co, Regent Works, Sheffield (see advert)
1890 The company was registered on 11 September, to acquire the business of the firm of the same name, steel, file and tool manufacturers. [1]
1899 'BURSTING OF A FLY-WHEEL. On Monday afternoon a fly-wheel, 20ft. in diameter, at Bury and Co.'s Steel-rolling Mills, Sheffield, burst, doing great damage. Half the roof of the large mill was torn away, and all the driving machinery completely wrecked. Huge pieces of the wheel flew in all directions, and two workshops of other firms, one 200 yards away, were much damaged. No one was injured, but many men standing near had marvellous escapes. The damage must amount to thousands of pounds, and it will be two or three months before the mill can be worked again.' [2]
1915 Regent Works was acquired by Samuel Osborn and Co
1922 Directors: William F. Osborn (Chairman), Samuel Osborn, Arnold Pye-Smith, Fred. M. Osborn, Wm. McKinnel, A. Stanley Pye-Smith and S. E. Osborn. Products: Steel sheets and bars, files, edge tools twist drills, sheep shears, beater bars, scythes, chaff knives, picks, shovels, hammers, reaper sections.