Butler, McCulloch and Co
of South Row, Covent Garden Market, London, W.C.
1735 Established by James Butler.
1898 Incorporated as a Limited Company.
1914 Wholesale Herbalists, Druggists, and Seed Merchants, South Row, Covent Garden Market, London, W.C. Hours of Business; Market days, 5 a.m. to 6 p.m.; other days, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1735 by James Butler, at "Ye Sygne of Ye Thistle and Crown" Herb and Seed Warehouse, where it is still carried on. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1898. Managing Director: Sidney G. Hart. One of the oldest firms in the trade. Business: Wholesale Importers and Exporters of all kinds of Culinary and Medicinal Herbs, Distillers of Perfumed and Medicinal Waters, and Essence Manufacturers; Importers of Guaranteed Pure Lucca Olive Oil. Awards: Prize Medals at the Great International Exhibitions of 1851 and 1862 for the general excellence of their Goods and Preparations. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Royal Warrants: To H.M. King George V.; also to His late Majesty King Edward VII.