C. C. Dunkerley and Co:1935 Review
Note: This is a sub-section of C. C. Dunkerley and Co
Visit of the Iron and Steel Institute to the Iron, Steel and Engineering Industries of Manchester and District
Established in 1845, Messrs. C. C. Dunkerley and Co. Ltd. are one of the oldest firms of iron and steel stockholders in the country, and carry in their Store Street warehouses one of the largest and most comprehensive stocks of all classes of wrought iron and mild steel amounting to several thousand tons.
Their warehouses are fully equipped with electric cranes, high speed saws, etc., and they specialise in prompt delivery, which is of great importance in many engineering jobs. They have also an up-to-date constructional department which, working in conjunction with their stock, enables them to give specially prompt service for urgent requirements of this work.
In addition to these activities, they represent in Lancashire, Cheshire, and North Wales, the firm of Hadfields, East Hecla Works, Sheffield, whose "Era" manganese and various other special steels, colliery appliances, crushing machinery, and other specialities are so well known.
See Also
Sources of Information