Clarence Edgar Allen (1871-1951)
1922 A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Mechanical Engineer, 51-52, Chancery Lane, W.C. T. A.: "Machtool, London." T. N.: 1718 Holborn. Ed. King's College, London. Technical Training: Northampton Institute; Craven Engineering Works. Professional Career: With various Engineering Concerns. Engineer to Co-Partnership Tenants, Ltd. Woodworkers, Ltd., and Brick and Tile Makers, Ltd.; Manchester Engineering Exhibition, etc. Editor "Engineering Review" and "Machinery." Publications: "Machinery's Screw Thread Book." War Services.—Investigated and advised on Production of Munitions.
1952 Obituary [1]
"CLARENCE EDGAR ALLEN, who died on 24th December 1951, at the age of eighty, was for many years editor of Machinery and a director of Machinery Publishing Company, Ltd. He received his theoretical training in mechanical engineering at King's College, London, and studied electrical engineering at Northampton Polytechnic and Birkbeck College. At an early age he took an interest in technical journalism, and in 1898 became acting editor of Fielden's Magazine. Later this publication appeared as Engineering Review, of which he was editor and director. He was appointed editor of Machinery in 1912 and for the next forty years guided its destinies with great ability and tireless energy. He quickly recognized the importance of the exchange of manufacturing information, and by his personal efforts did much to break down the barriers of secrecy which surrounded individual works and manufacturing processes. Mr. Allen travelled extensively in pursuit of reliable information regarding machinery development in other countries, paying visits to Russia and the United States, and he attended the Leipzig and Paris Fairs regularly. He retired in March 1951. Mr. Allen was an Associate of the Institution from 1900 to 1908 and had been an Associate Member since 1911. He was also an Associate Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers."
1952 Obituary [2]
It is with deep regret that we have to announce the death of Mr. Clary Edgar Allen, which occurred at his home in New Romney on Monday, December 24th, barely nine months after his resignation as a director of the Machinery Publishing Company, Ltd., and editor of our contemporary, 'Machinery'.
It will be remembered that Mr. Allen had to retire owing to ill-health, although he continued to act as consulting editor up to the time of his death.
Mr. Allen was born at Nottingham on November 21, 1871, and after a private education he studied mechanical engineering at King's College, London, and electrical engineering at the Northampton Polytechnic Institute and Birkbeck College, London.
Following practical industrial experience in the works of Manning Wardle and Co., and Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., he began his career as a journalist as acting editor of Fielden's Magazine in 1898. When that journal later became 'The Engineering Review' he was appointed editor and director...............
....Mr. Allen, who was appointed to the board of directors of the Machinery Publishing Company in 1927, was an associate member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and of the Institution of Electrical Engineers.
Clary Alien, as he was familiarly known, with his many gifts, was essentially a simple man with an abundant measure of good fellowship, which made him both respected and liked by all who were fortunate enough to meet him. His death is a loss which will be felt by his wide circle of friends in the machine tool industry and technical journalism.