C. Tennant, Sons and Co., of Upper Thames St, London, bleaching powder manufacturers, merchants and agents.
1811 Charles Tennant and Co of St Rollox established an associated company, C. Tennant Sons and Co Ltd, as "Bleaching powder manufacturers".
1815 The description of the business was extended to "Bleaching powder manufacturers and drysalters".
1906 Death of Sir Charles Tennant
1907 Took limited company status as a private company. Sir Edward P. Tennant continued as chairman. The company continued to manage the sugar, cocoa and rubber estates, and the merchant business in Trinidad formerly belonging to the late Sir Charles Tennant, which then belonged to Sir Edward[1]
1914 Principals: Rt. Hon. Lord Glenconner, William Augustus Tennant, Charles Atkins, Edgar Bee Beck, and E. W. D. Tennant.
1930 C. Tennant Sons and Co was one of the Tennant companies consolidated under the name of the Tennant Group of companies[2].
This business has continued operating to the current day.