Cape Copper Co
of Queen St Place, London EC (1894); copper plant at Briton Ferry
1863 Company incorporated[1]
1865 The Cape Copper Mining Company reported there were several years' production possible from the Ookiep mine[2]
1869 The Namaqualand Railway was constructed between 1869 and 1876 by the Cape Copper Mining Company
1871 8th general meeting of the company; Edmund A. Pontifex in the chair[3]
Acquired the Briton Ferry plant from Mr Barclay who had taken over from F. Bankart and Sons
1886 Formed the Briton Ferry Chemical and Manure Co to collect and make use of the suplhurous exhaust gases from the plant.
1888 The Cape Copper Mining Company was restructured as the Cape Copper Company[4]. Incorporated as a public company
1894 Public notice of dividend declaration[5]
1897 200 volt electric lighting and power system installed at the Briton Ferry Works by Messrs Herbert, Lewis and Fletcher. [6]
1913 26th Ordinary General Meeting[7]
1913 Acquired the Rakha mines in India
1920 Issue of debentures to help pay for the development of the Rakha Mines[8]